No person, firm or corporation shall solicit for or engage in any kind of forestry or tree surgery work for hire for another person, firm or corporation within the City without first obtaining a forestry and tree surgery permit from the Department of Public Works.
(Ord. 41-11. Passed 10-3-2011.)
Applicants for a permit pursuant to this chapter, shall make application for such permit on a form provided by the Director of Public Works or his or her designee. The applicant for the permit shall certify thereon that he or she is prepared and agrees to remove any and all tree branches, logs, stumps and other debris resulting from such work from the premises wherein the work was performed to a proper disposal site as determined by the City, within five days from the date of cutting of the branches, logs and stumps and other debris which resulted from the performance of such work. (Ord. 41-11. Passed 10-3-2011.)