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   (a)   The activities and the environment provided shall be conducive to the physical, social, emotional, creative and intellectual (including language development) well being and development of the children in care. The provider shall advise the parents, guardians or persons in loco parentis of the program of activities for the children.
   (b)   Where parents, guardians or other persons in loco parentis do not provide meal(s), the provider shall serve nutritious, balanced meals appropriate quantitatively to each respective child at intervals appropriate to the length of stay. The provider shall advise the parents, guardians or other person in loco parentis of the meal menu.
   (c)   The provider shall not use physical punishment or harsh discipline in handling behavior problems, but rather shall discuss any problems or occurrences with the parents, guardians or person in loco parentis as soon as practicable.
   (d)   Parents, guardians or other persons in loco parentis shall have unlimited access to all areas on the premises used for child day care service and shall be permitted by the provider to contact and observe their children on the premises at any time.
   (e)   The provider shall provide reasonable access by Lakewood Child Care Services representatives to monitor compliance. (Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)