731.01 Pole lines permit required.
731.02 Permit approval, issuance and plans.
731.03 Permits issued by Council.
731.04 Permit for underground construction.
731.05 Use of pole line by City.
731.06 Subways and underground work.
731.99 Penalty.
Street excavations - see S. &. P. S. 901.02
Permit fee and deposit by public utility - see S. & P. S. 901.13
National Electrical Code - see BLDG. Ch. 1304
No person, firm or corporation shall erect, place, construct or maintain or cause to be erected, placed, constructed or maintained any pole for any guy line, wires or electrical conductors of any description whatsoever, upon or across any street, avenue, alley, lane, square, right of way, place or land within the City without first having obtained a permit therefor.
(Ord. 28-71. Passed 5-3-1971.)
(a) In the case of a telephone company, such permit shall be issued by the Director of Public Works.
(b) In the case of an electric light company, the Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue such permit where the voltage to be carried is solely for the use by a residential, institutional or governmental consumer within the City or solely for the normal requirements of an industrial or retail business or service consumer within the City, and provided that such voltage at no time exceeds 15,000 volts.
The form of the permit shall be as approved by the Director of Law and no fee shall be charged for such permit.
Such permit shall specifically be subject to all of the terms, provisions and conditions of all ordinances of the City pertaining to any franchise rights of the public utility and to the terms, provisions and conditions of the Charter and Code.
No permit shall be issued until the electric light company has first filed appropriate plans with the office of the Director of Public Works specifying the location, construction and use of such facility, pole or line, wire, fixture or appliance, which plans shall be permanently filed in the records of the Director of Public Works.
(c) For an electric light company where the proposed voltage to be carried exceeds 15,000 volts, no permit shall be issued until the same is authorized by Council.
(Ord. 39-17. Passed 6-18-2018.)
In those cases where such permit must be authorized by Council, Council may authorize the issuance of such permit upon such terms, provisions or conditions as Council deems necessary for the welfare of the general public, and may as a condition to the issuance of such permit, require that the power line or wire be installed underground. In such event such power line or wire shall be installed at a minimum depth of six feet below grade. It shall be backfilled by and laid in at least six inches of sand. It shall be standard underground pipe-type cable, lead covered, which shall meet the standard minimum A. E. I. C. pipe-type cable specifications for the voltage to be carried by such cable. Such line shall be encased in an enclosed sealed and welded steel pipe with protective sheath, having a somatic coating, such pipe may either be oil or gas filled and shall be capable of withstanding any maintained pressure. (Ord. 28-71. Passed5-3-1971.)