Elected Offices Generally
30.01 Elections
30.02 Qualifications
30.03 Commencement of terms for elected village officials
30.04 Failure to qualify for office
30.05 Oath
30.06 Bond
30.07 Compensation
30.08 Duty upon termination of office
30.09 Vacancy
30.10 through 30.19 Reserved
Village President
30.20 Election and term of office
30.21 Powers and duties
30.22 President Pro Tem and temporary Chair
30.23 through 30.29 Reserved
30.30 Election, term of office and functions
30.31 through 30.39 Reserved
Board of Trustees
30.40 Composition of Board
30.41 Regular Board meetings
30.42 Special and emergency meetings
30.43 Order of business
30.44 Procedures and rules
30.45 Quorum
30.46 Reconsideration at special meetings
30.47 Presiding officer and vote
30.48 Approval of actions; veto powers
30.49 Reconsideration; passing over veto
30.50 Village Board Committees
30.51 through 30.59 Reserved
Village Clerk
30.60 Election and term of office
30.61 Custody of seal
30.62 Attesting
30.63 Meetings and minutes
30.64 Notice of meetings
30.65 Filing of tax levy ordinance with County Clerk
30.66 Records
30.67 Publication of Village Treasurer’s report
30.68 Recording and publication of ordinances
30.69 Records and notices of election
30.70 Conduct of elections
30.71 Additional duties
30.72 Deputy Village Clerks