Application and Installation
   50.01   Rules and regulations on file
   50.02   Written application or contract required
   50.03   Description of service to be furnished
   50.04   Service piping
   50.05   House piping
   50.06   Location of company meters and appurtenances
   50.07   Meters to be installed by company
   50.08   Meter calculations
   50.09   Failure of meter
   50.10   Main extensions
   50.11   Re-connection charge
Maintenance, Modification, and Liability
   50.25   Access to premises
   50.26   Continuous service
   50.27   Release of company from liability
   50.28   Disconnection for late payment
   50.29   Damages
   50.30   Notify company before increasing load
   50.31   Resale of gas
   50.32   Deposit
   50.33   Company’s property and protection thereof
   50.34   Exclusive service on installation connected
   50.35   Modification of contract
   50.36   Assignment
   50.37   Delay due to strikes and the like
   50.38   Equipment or location permit
   50.39   Company defined
Rates and Charges
   50.50   Rates
   50.51   Rates and charges nondiscriminatory
   50.52   Connection fees
   50.53   Accounting shall be separate
   50.54   Service availability
   50.55   Voluntary disconnect-reconnect charges
   50.56   Payment in lieu of taxes
   50.57   Payment of bills; deferred payment plan