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Grove City Overview
Grove City, Ohio Code of Ordinances
Codified Ordinances of the City of Grove City, Ohio
TITLE ONE - Subdivision Regulations
TITLE THREE - Zoning Code
   Unless otherwise approved by Council: a) service/mechanical equipment shall be screened in all zoning districts; b) all roof mounted service/mechanical equipment shall be fully screened on all four sides, with a height to exceed the installed equipment, by raising the parapet around the top of the building. Screening design and material shall be architecturally compatible with the remainder of the building. Placement of all non-roof mounted mechanical equipment shall comply with Section 1136.08 of the Codified Ordinances.
   For the purposes of this Section, service/mechanical equipment shall include, but not be limited to: propane tanks, loading docks, storage tanks, dumpsters, electrical transformers, utility vaults which extend above the surface, air conditioners/cooling towers, heat pumps, roof-top units and other equipment or elements providing service to a building or a site.
(Ord. C29-00. Passed 5-1-00.)
   (a)   A Certificate of Appropriateness shall be obtained for temporary portable structures. A temporary portable structure as defined herein shall refer to structures in excess of 100 square feet not intended for residential use. Furthermore structures as defined in this section do not include tents (see 1301.03 for definition of a tent). To obtain a permit the following requirements shall be submitted to the Building Division a minimum of 30 days prior to locating a temporary portable structure on any lot:
      (1)   Site plan.
      (2)   Floor plan(s).
      (3)   Elevation of the proposed building.
      (4)   Color photographs of all 4 sides of the structure(s) and photographs taken from the main structure toward property and adjacent buildings.
      (5)   Materials samples/manufacturer's literature.
      (6)   Points of ingress and egress.
      (7)   Lighting detail.
      (8)   Building setback lines and easements.
      (9)   Additions or deletions to parking.
      (10)   Landscape additions or deletions.
      (11)   Show any portable restrooms.
      (12)   A descriptive narrative at least a paragraph long discussing the extent of the project. Included in the narrative shall be hours of operation and length of time that the temporary structure will be in use.
   (b)   Additional requirements for temporary portable structures:
      (1)   Temporary portable structures hours of operation shall not exceed 9:00 p.m.
      (2)   Site lighting shall be turned off no later than 9 p.m.
      (3)   Sales trailers for new home sites shall be permitted for a period not to exceed one calendar year.
      (4)   Portable restrooms used in conjunction with sales or construction trailers must be maintained on a regular basis.
      (5)   Areas surrounding the temporary portable structure must be kept clean of debris and maintained in a neat an orderly fashion.
   (c)   Any person whose application for a Certificate of Appropriateness has been denied by the Chief building and Zoning Official may appeal such decision by filing an appeal with the Board of Zoning Appeals within thirty (30) days of such denial. The appeal shall be in the form of a written notice of appeal on forms provided for that purpose by the Board which must be fully completed and contain all materials required pursuant to Section 1133.05. The appeal shall follow the procedures set forth in Chapter 1133. (Ord. C-21-16. Passed 3-21-16.)
(Ord. C25-03. Passed 4-21-03)
   (a)   As used in this section, Model Homes are defined as a residential structure used by a licensed homebuilder/developer, real estate worker or realtor to demonstrate construction, display built-in amenities and color selection charts to prospective homebuyers and to promote sale or lease of housing units. The home may be staffed and furnished.
   (b)   A certificate of appropriateness shall be obtained for all model homes. To obtain a certificate of appropriateness the following requirements the following requirements shall be submitted by application to the Building Division in conjunction with the building permit application.
      (1)   Lighting detail.
      (2)   Additions or deletions to parking.
      (3)   Landscape additions or deletions.
      (4)   Zoning restrictions for the property.
      (5)   Hours of operation.
      (6)   Number of employees who will be on site.
   (c)   Additional requirements for model homes shall include:
      (1)   The home must be integrated into the residential character of the neighborhood with external lighting approved on a case-by-case basis. No exterior lighting other than usual customary residential lighting shall be permitted at the model home after 9:00 p.m.
      (2)   The home shall be approved for a limited duration not to exceed five years for models in a new subdivision and not to exceed two (2) years in developed or mature neighborhoods. Extensions of the duration of model homes may be permitted by formal written request submitted to the Zoning Official. The Zoning Official shall consider the same criteria in approving extensions as is prescribed for initial applications.
      (3)   Model homes shall be identified by no more than one sign in compliance with the Chapter 1145.
         A.   Model home signage shall be removed when the model is no longer maintained as the original intended use.
         B.   Model home signage may only consist of ground signage.
   (d)   Any person whose application for a certificate of appropriateness has been denied by the Chief Building and Zoning Official may appeal such decision by filing an appeal with the Board of Zoning Appeals within thirty (30) days of such denial. The appeal shall be in the form of a written notice of appeal on forms provided for that purpose by the Board which must be fully completed and contain all materials required pursuant to Section 1133.05. The appeal shall follow the procedures set forth in Chapter 1133. (Ord. C21-16. Passed 3-21-16.)
(Ord. C26-03. Passed 4-21-03.)
   (a)   For the purpose of this section, the term “portable storage unit” shall mean any portable enclosed unit of whatever type construction or material, designed for permanent or temporary storage, which can be transported by vehicle and left on-site.
   (b)   Portable storage units are not permitted as a principal permitted use, accessory use or as a special use in any zoning district within the City.
   (c)   For residential districts and uses, portable storage units are permitted as a temporary use for a period not to exceed five (5) days per calendar year and no permit shall be required provided the following conditions are met:
      (1)   Portable storage units must be located on an asphaltic or portland concrete surface outside of the right-of-way. Such units shall be a minimum of six (6) feet from any property line and shall not obstruct right-of-way vision clearance at any time.
      (2)   Not more than one (1) unit per tax parcel is permitted.
      (3)   If the portable storage unit is being used as a result of a major catastrophe (e.g. fire, flood or other event where there is significant property damage), the Chief Building Official may extend the period up to a maximum of thirty (30) days total within a one (1) year period.
      (4)   Portable storage units may not exceed a size of twelve hundred (1,200) cubic feet on the interior. All portable storage units in excess of twelve hundred (1,200) cubic feet are prohibited in residential areas.
      (5)   Portable storage units may be used in conjunction with residential construction or alteration when a building permit has been issued provided the following conditions are met:
         A.   Unit shall be located on-site for duration of construction but not to exceed three (3) months for new construction, remodeling, renovation, or expansion work without written approval of the Chief Building Official and then not to exceed a reasonable period determined by the City.
         B.   For construction of a new residential house the container may be located in an unpaved driveway provided it is outside of the right-of-way.
         C.   Unit must be removed from premise after construction is complete prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
         D.   No more than one (1) storage unit per tax parcel is permitted.
   (d)   For non-residential districts and uses, portable storage units shall be permitted for a period not to exceed five (5) days per calendar year and no permit shall be required provided the following conditions are met:
      (1)   Portable storage units must be located on an asphaltic or portland concrete surface outside of the right-of-way.
      (2)   Not more than one (1) storage unit per tax parcel is permitted.
      (3)   Units shall be a minimum of six feet from any property line and shall not obstruct vehicular vision at any time.
      (4)   Units shall be located behind the building setback line.
      (5)   Units shall not be located in required parking spaces or drive isles.
      (6)   Units in excess of twelve hundred (1,200) cubic feet on the interior shall be considered a temporary portable structure and regulated in accordance with Section 1137.17 (Temporary Portable Structures for Nonresidential Use).
      (7)   Units located in non-residential zoning districts for more than five (5) days shall be regulated in accordance with Section 1137.17 (Temporary Portable Structures for Nonresidential Use).
(Ord. C25-06. Passed 5-1-06)
1137.20   DUMPSTERS.
   (a)   For the purpose of this section, the term “dumpster” shall mean any unit designed for the collection of large quantities of trash, yard waste, garbage, building or construction debris, trees or limbs designed to be delivered and picked-up by a truck and which is left on site in any zoning district. Dumpsters do not include garbage cans which can be moved by a person.
   (b)   Dumpsters are permitted within non-residential and multiple-family districts for the regular collection of trash and garbage from the premises thereof, subject to all other applicable zoning requirements for screening and location. Dumpsters are not permitted as a principal permitted use, accessory use or as a special use in any single-family zoning district within the City.
   (c)   For single-family districts, properties, and uses, dumpsters are permitted as a temporary use subject to the following limitations:
      (1)   At construction sites, not to exceed three (3) months without written approval of the Chief Building Official and then not to exceed a period reasonably necessary to complete the construction. Dumpster may be located in an unpaved driveway provided it is outside of City right-of-way.
      (2)   For existing structures, dumpsters may be located on-site for the duration of the remodeling, renovation, or expansion work but not to exceed a total of three (3) months in a calendar year without written approval of the Chief Building Official and then not to exceed a period reasonably necessary to complete the construction. Dumpster must be located on a paved surface out of the right-of-way.
      (3)   Dumpster must be removed from the premise after construction is complete, prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
      (4)   No more than one (1) dumpster at a time is permitted on a single-family residential lot without written approval of the Chief Building Official.
      (5)   No trash, yard waste, garbage, building or construction debris, tree limbs may be brought from other properties or premises to a dumpster located on residential premises.
(Ord. C26-06. Passed 5-1-06.)
   (a)   For the purpose of this section, the term “collection bin” shall mean any unit of whatever type construction or material, designed for the collection and or temporary storage of donated items or recyclable materials. Collection bin does not include household recycle bins that are placed out for collection on a weekly basis and collected pursuant to the City’s refuse contact.
   (b)   Collection bins used solely for the collection of donated articles or recycled materials are prohibited.
(Ord. C27-06. Passed 5-1-06; Ord. C21-16. Passed 3-21-16.)
1137.99   PENALTY.
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section 1131.99 for general Zoning Code penalty.)