Private garages in residential and apartment districts shall be so located and constructed as to conform to such of the following requirements as shall be applicable considering the use for such garage and the district in which it is located.
(a) Garages shall not be an accessory use to a lot in a residential type district unless such lot is occupied by a residence or unless a building permit has been issued and construction started on a residence building on such lot;
(b) Garage provisions, as an accessory use in a D-1, D-2 or A-1 District shall not provide for more than two motor vehicles for each family for which such residence is arranged or designed;
(c) When garage provision as an accessory use is built in a terrace or retaining wall on the front or side of the lot, such garage shall not project in front of the terrace or retaining wall more than three feet, and in no case above the level of the ground, or main floor of a residence on an adjoining lot;
(d) No separate garage building shall be erected in a terrace or retaining wall closer to a street than the required building line, or closer than minimum side yard requirement or building line to an adjoining lot line. On corner lots, the separate garage building shall not be closer to it than five feet to the lot line opposite the front lot line, nor closer than the building line of the side street;
(e) All detached garages and accessory buildings shall have such separation from residence or apartment as specified in the Building Code. (Ord. C50-10. Passed 8-16-10.)
(f) No part of any detached garage or accessory building shall be erected closer than three feet to a side lot line on a lot having a width of sixty-five feet or less, at the building line, closer than four feet to the side lot line on a lot having a width over sixty-five feet and not more than seventy-five feet at the building line, or closer than five feet to a side lot line on a lot seventy-five feet or more at the building line; except that, when the lot is less than 110 feet in depth from the front property line and seventy-five feet or less at the building line, no part of any detached garage or accessory building shall be erected closer than three feet from the side lot line. No garage or accessory building shall be erected nearer than twelve feet from a dwelling on an adjacent lot.
(Ord. C79-74. Passed 1-20-75.)
(g) All accessory buildings up to and including 200 square feet of floor space are considered portable and require a permit, the cost of which is ten dollars ($10.00). All buildings over 200 square feet shall be considered permanent and require a permit as set forth in Chapter 1305. Portable buildings do not require permanent foundations and may be located in part of the rear or side yard.
(Ord. C52-78. Passed 8-21-78; Ord. C50-10. Passed 8-16-10.)
(h) No detached garages and accessory buildings shall exceed a wall height of eight feet above finished floor, and an overall maximum of 13 feet above finished floor.
(Ord. C79-74. Passed 1-20-75; Ord. C50-10. Passed 8-16-10; Ord. C61-10. Passed 10-18-10.)
Public garages may be placed in buildings used as hotels, motels, extended stay hotels, or other accommodations available for a fee except those accommodations requiring a Special Use Permit if all parts of such public garages are cut off from the rest of the buildings as specified in the Building Code.
(Ord. C79-74. Passed 1-20-75; Ord. C09-05. Passed 2-22-05.)
No public garage, garage repair shop or filling station shall be erected or established which has any part of its proposed building or structure within 100 feet of the building structure of a public or parochial school, church, playground, public library, hospital or children's home now existing or for which a building permit has been issued or is in effect, except as follows:
(a) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit any such institution now located in any district zoned for business, by acquiring premises therein or erecting additional buildings thereon to shorten the 100-foot limit between such institutional structure heretofore erected and such proposed garage or filling station structure as defined by this Zoning Code.
(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the erection or maintenance of automobile sales or display rooms or buildings with automobile service stations connected thereto. Such automobile service stations connected to buildings, or automobile sales or display rooms, shall have no vehicle entrance located upon the same street with and within 300 feet of any part of the building structure of any public or parochial school, playground, public library, church, hospital or children's home heretofore erected. Distance shall be measured by “crow fly” or straight-line measurement.
(c) All entrances and exits of public garages shall have an unobstructed width of not less than twenty feet for a distance of not less than twelve feet from a street.
(d) A public garage or garage repair shop shall not have an opening in a wall or roof facing adjacent property that is located in a residential or apartment district unless such opening is located on a public street or highway.
(Ord. C79-74. Passed 1-20-75.)
Driveways and parking lots shall be constructed as follows:
(a) Driveways and parking spaces in all districts shall be smoothly graded with an asphaltic or portland concrete surface, and properly drained.
(b) Whenever a public parking lot or a driveway to a parking lot abuts the side or rear line of a lot in a residential or apartment area, a fence or wall, approved by the Planning Commission or Building Inspector, shall be constructed and maintained by the owner of the parking lot.
(Ord. C79-74. Passed 1-20-75.)
(a) Within residential districts, the following provisions shall apply to satellite ground stations or other antennas designed to transmit or receive radio or television signals to or from earth satellites.
(1) Such ground stations or antennas shall be for the personal use of residents and their guests only.
(2) Such ground stations or antennas shall contain no graphic message or advertising.
(3) Ground mounted stations or antennas shall be considered accessory structures and shall comply with the following conditions and requirements:
A. Such stations or antennas not mounted on the roof of a primary or accessory structure shall be located to the rear of the principle building or structure and shall not exceed an above grade height of twelve feet.
B. Such stations or antennas shall not be located closer than ten feet from a side lot line, or one foot from any easement.
C. Such stations or antennas shall be mounted in a concrete base in line with grade and only metal supports of galvanized construction shall be utilized.
D. Wiring between such stations and any other structure shall be placed underground.
E. Such stations or antennas shall be designed to withstand a wind force of up to seventy miles per hour without the use of supporting guy wires.
(4) Roof mounted stations or antennas shall be considered accessory structures and shall comply with the following conditions and requirements:
A. Such stations or antennas shall be mounted directly on the roof of a primary or accessory structure and shall not be mounted on appurtenances such as chimneys, towers or spires.
B. Such stations or antennas mounted on the roof of a primary or accessory structure shall not exceed a height of greater than three feet above the roof on which it is mounted. The height shall be measured vertically from the point at which such station or antenna is mounted on the roof.
C. The diameter of any dish antenna mounted upon the roof of a primary or accessory structure shall not exceed three feet.
D. Such stations or antennas shall be designed to withstand a wind force of up to seventy miles per hour without the use of supporting guy wires.
(Ord. C58-84. Passed 9-17-84.)
(a) Within nonresidential districts, the following provisions shall apply to satellite ground stations or other antennas designed to transmit or receive radio or television signals to or from earth satellites.
(1) Such ground stations or antennas shall contain no graphic message or advertising.
(2) Ground mounted stations or antennas shall be considered accessory structures and shall comply with the following conditions and requirements:
A. Such stations or antennas not mounted on the roof of a primary or accessory structure shall be located to the rear of the principle building or structure on the property where the station is located and shall not exceed an above grade height of twelve feet.
B. Such stations or antennas shall not be located within fifty feet of a public right-of-way, eight feet of a rear or side lot line and not closer than fifty feet from a lot line of a residential district.
C. Such stations or antennas shall be mounted in a concrete base in line with grade and only metal supports of a galvanized construction shall be utilized.
D. Wiring between such stations and any other structure shall be placed underground.
E. Such stations or antennas shall be designed to withstand a wind force of up to seventy miles per hour without the use of supporting guy wires.
(3) Roof mounted stations or antennas shall be considered accessory structures and shall comply with the following conditions and requirements:
A. Such stations or antennas shall be mounted directly on the roof of a primary or accessory structure and shall not be mounted on appurtenances such as chimneys, towers or spires.
B. Such stations or antennas mounted on the roof of a primary or accessory structure shall not exceed a height of greater than eight feet above the roof on which it is mounted. The height shall be measured vertically from the point at which such station or antenna is mounted on the roof.
C. Such station or antenna shall be designed to withstand a wind force of up to seventy miles per hour without the use of supporting guy wires.
(Ord. C58-84. Passed 9-17-84.)