1141.01 Approval of Development Plan; modification of zoning requirements.
1141.02 Application to existing plats; interpretation, purpose.
1141.03 Plat approval; acceptance of streets upon dedication and bond.
1141.04 Bond and deposit for improvement.
1141.05 Obligations of owner and/or developer.
1141.06 Site plan to accompany building permit application.
1141.99 Penalty.
Subdivision development plan submission - see P. & Z. 1101.07
PUD Plan submission - see P. & Z. 1135.14
(a) The owner or owners of any tract of land shall submit to the Planning Commission a plan for the use and development of such tract of land lying within the City or within the three-mile limit thereof, and the plan of streets, drives and ways dedicated for public use.
(b) If such Development Plan is approved after hearing by the Planning Commission and Council, the application of the use and yard regulations established herein shall be modified as required by such development plans provided that for such tract as a whole, excluding street area but including area to be devoted to parks, parkways or other permanent open space, there will be not less than the required area per family for the area district in which such tract of land is located for each family which under such Development Plan may be housed on such tract; and provided further, that under such Plan the appropriate use of property adjacent to the area included in such Plan is fully safeguarded and all the improvements are assured, and so certified to the heads of all divisions responsible for such improvements.
(Ord. C79-74. Passed 1-20-75.)
In interpreting and applying the provisions of this Zoning Code, such provisions shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. This Zoning Code shall not repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way impair or interfere with any existing provisions of law or ordinance or any rules or regulations previously adopted or issued or which shall be adopted or issued pursuant to law relating to the use of buildings or premises, provided that where this Zoning Code imposes a greater restriction upon the use of buildings or premises or upon the height of the buildings or requires larger lots or yards than are imposed or required by such existing provisions of law or ordinance or by such rules or regulations the provisions of this Zoning Code shall control.
(Ord. C79-74. Passed 1-20-75.)
(a) Upon the acceptance of a plat by Council and the filing of the plat with the County Auditor, all streets thereon become dedicated to the City.
(Ord. C 79-74. Passed 1-20-75.)
(b) Upon acceptance of the plat and the dedication of streets, as provided in subsection (a) above, the owner or developer shall furnish a performance bond or other forms of guarantee as provided for in Section 1141.04. No building permits shall be issued until such bond or guarantee for the public improvement has been posted by the owner or developer in the amount provided for herein.
(Ord. C 42-75. Passed 6-23-75.)