Off-street parking facilities as required in this Zoning Code shall be provided in accordance with the following:
(a) Existing nonconforming off-street parking facilities use shall be permitted until such time as the use of the existing building changes or alterations are made to the existing structure. Existing off-street parking facilities provided at the effective date of this chapter (Ordinance C79-74) and actually being used at that date for the parking of automobiles in connection with the operation of an existing building or use shall not be reduced to an amount less than herein required under this Zoning Code for a similar new building or new use except as permitted by the Planning Commission.
(b) Additional off-street parking facilities shall be provided on the basis of the total applicable units of measurement when a building use is altered or expanded or when the number of employees is increased. The parking requirements shall be changed to conform to the changing use of the building it supports.
(c) In the case of a use not specifically mentioned, the requirements for off-street parking facilities for a similar use shall apply.
(d) In the case of mixed uses, the total requirement for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separately, and off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other uses except as herein specified for joint use; except that, the above provisions shall not apply where a use is accessory to the main use and is not intended to serve additional patrons or employees.
(e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent collective provision of off-street parking facilities for two or more buildings or uses; provided that, the total of such off-street parking facilities provided collectively shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for the various individual uses computed separately.
(f) Joint use of not more than fifty percent of the off-street parking facilities required by this Zoning Code for theaters, bowling alleys, dance halls and establishments for the sale and consumption on the premises of beverages, food or refreshments, may be supplied by off-street parking facilities provided for other kinds of buildings or uses, as defined below, not normally open, used or operated during the same principal operating hours, provided that, a written consent is executed by the parties concerned for the joint use of the off-street parking facilities, a copy of which shall be filed with the application for a building permit.
(g) Joint use of not more than fifty percent of the off-street parking facilities required by this Zoning Code for banks, business offices, retail stores, personal service shops, household equipment or furniture shops, and manufacturing buildings and similar uses, may be supplied by off-street parking facilities provided for other kinds of buildings or uses as defined in subsection (f) hereof which are not normally used, open or operated during the same principal operating hours, provided that written consent is executed and filed as specified above.
(h) Other alternate uses may be approved by the Planning Commission.
(i) For a private residence or a residential structure with a Special Use Permit authorizing use as a boarding house, bed and breakfast inn, group family home, group multi-family home or fraternity or sorority house, the parking facilities shall be on the same lot or parcel of land as the building they are intended to serve.
(C09-05. Passed 2-22-05.)
(j) For all accessory, commercial and industrial uses, the parking facilities shall be within 1,000 feet of the facilities they are intended to serve, unless otherwise noted. The distance stated above shall be measured between the nearest point of the parking facilities and the nearest point of the building.
(k) All parking facilities of five or more parking spaces, having an exit on a public street, shall be so designed that each car leaving such facility shall be traveling in a forward motion when entering traffic.
(l) (This subsection was repealed by Ordinance C57-78, passed September 5, 1978.)
(m) All driveways to a parking facility from the curb to the lot line shall be subject to the rules, regulations, inspections and permit by the Division of Building Regulations.
(n) Customer and commercial parking facilities operated after sundown shall be lighted during such operation to insure safety to both pedestrian and motorist.
(Ord. C79-74. Passed 1-20-75.)
(o) When improvements are made on lots or parcels of land that front on the following streets, provisions shall be made on these lots or parcels of land, outside of the street right of way lines, for vehicles to turn around so that when entering these streets the vehicles shall be moving in a forward direction. On State highways and heavily traveled roads, the Planning Commission or Council may limit the number, size and location of access points and/or require service roads.
Home Road
Southwest Boulevard (Demorest Road to Richard Avenue)
Grove City Road
Columbus Street (Broadway to Hoover Road)
Stringtown Road
White Road
Orders Road
Broadway and/or Harrisburg Pike
Haughn Road (South of Woodgrove Drive)
Demorest Road
Hoover Road
Marlane Drive
Hawthorne Parkway
Buckeye Parkway (From 665 to Holton Road)
S.R. 665 (Within or adjacent to incorporated area)
Borror Road (Within or adjacent to incorporated area)
South Meadows Drive
Enterprise Parkway
Seeds Road (Within or adjacent to incorporated area)
Old Stringtown Road
Brookham Drive
McDowell Road
Rensch Road
Harrisburg Station Lane.
Big Run Road
Holt Road
Holton Road
Gateway West Drive
(Ord. C20-82. Passed 4-19-82; Ord. C3-03. Passed 2-3-03.)