At the first meeting of the Planning Commission in the year 1966 after the Mayor has appointed citizen members to the Commission, as provided by this Charter, and at the first meeting of such Commission in each year thereafter, the members of said Commission shall elect a Chairman and Secretary by a majority vote of the members of said Commission and the Chairman and Secretary so elected shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission and until successors are elected by said Commission. The Chairman of the Planning Commission shall be a member of said Commission, but in no event shall the Chairman of the Commission, in his dual capacity as Commission member and presiding officer of the Commission, cast more than one vote on any action. The Secretary may be elected from within or without the Commission's membership and may hold other employment with the City. The Secretary shall keep an accurate journal of the proceedings and actions of the Planning Commission.
A majority of the members of the Planning Commission shall constitute a quorum. Rules may be adopted by a majority vote of the members of the Planning Commission to provide for the number of meetings and method of calling meetings and special meetings, and to provide for the conduct and government of meetings, but such rules shall not conflict with the provisions of this Charter or any ordinance passed by Council.
The Planning Commission shall conduct studies, surveys and prepare plans, reports and maps relative to the overall planning of the growth, development, redevelopment and renewal of the City, and may make such recommendations relative thereto to the Council as it feels are in the best interest of the City. The Planning Commission shall continuously review and report to the Council its recommendations concerning the City's capital improvement programs, subdivision, platting and zoning ordinances and regulations. The Planning Commission shall cooperate with other governmental or private planning agencies to secure the maximum benefit to the City of the work, studies, surveys and reports of such other planning agencies. Other powers and duties of the Planning Commission shall include those established by this Charter and by the Council by ordinance, but until such ordinances shall be passed, it shall possess such other powers and duties as are provided by the general laws of Ohio, to the extent that such general laws do not conflict with the provisions of this Charter.