It is hereby found and determined that there exist within the City, slum, blighted, deteriorated and deteriorating areas of the nature defined in this Chapter which constitute a serious and growing menace injurious and inimicable to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare. The existence of such areas:
(a) Contributes substantially and increasingly to the spread of disease and crime and to losses by fire and accident, necessitating excessive and disproportionate expenditures of public funds for the preservation of the public health and safety, for crime prevention, correction, prosecution and punishment, for the treatment of juvenile delinquency, for the maintenance of adequate police, fire and accident protection, and for other public services and facilities;
(b) Constitutes an economic and social inability; and
(c) Substantially impairs and arrests the sound growth of the community; retards the provision of housing accommodations; aggravates traffic problems; and substantially impairs or arrests the elimination of traffic hazards and the improvement of traffic facilities.
This menace is beyond remedy and control solely by regulatory processes and exercise of the police power and cannot be dealt with effectively by the ordinary operation of private enterprises without the aids herein provided. The elimination in whole or in part of slum, blighted, deteriorated and deteriorating areas, and the prevention of occurrence or recurrence of such areas by redevelopment and by the conservation, rehabilitation and reconditioning, to the extent feasible, of the salvageable portions of such areas, and by other activities pursuant to urban redevelopment or urban renewal as defined herein, are public uses and purposes for which public money may be expended and private property acquired by purchase, by donation and by eminent domain and are governmental functions of concern to the City, and require the exercise of the powers of government granted to the City by the provisions of Article XVIII of the Ohio Constitution and that the necessity in the public interest and general welfare, for the provisions of this Chapter, is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination.
(Ord. 67-189. Passed 8-21-67.)
It is hereby declared to be the policy of Council to promote and encourage the sound development, including renewal and redevelopment where necessary, of the entire City in accordance with the General Plan for the City. Council realizes that the City government will be unable to carry out coordinated and effective programs for renewing the City without the cooperation and support of the public as a whole. Therefore, Council stands ready to cooperate with private enterprise, civic groups, neighborhood agencies and governmental agencies in developing and carrying out urban renewal programs and projects to promote the sound development of new areas, to prevent the spread of slums and blight and to eliminate slugs, blighted, deteriorated and deteriorating areas in the City.
(Ord. 67-189. Passed 8-21-67.)
As used in this chapter:
(a) "Agency" or "urban renewal agency" or "local public agency" or "City" means the City of Elyria, Ohio.
(b) "Slum, blighted or deteriorated area" means an area within the City in which there are a majority of structures or other improvements which, by reason of dilapidation, deterioration, age or obsolescence, inadequate provision for ventilation, light, air, sanitation or open spaces, high density or population and overcrowding, unsafe and unsanitary conditions or the existence of conditions which endanger life or property by fire or other hazards and causes, or any combination of such factors, and an area with overcrowding or improper location of structures on the land, excessive dwelling unit density, detrimental land uses or conditions, unsafe, congested, poorly designed streets or inadequate public facilities or utilities, all of which substantially impair the sound growth and planning of the community, is conducive to ill health, transmission of disease, infant mortality, juvenile delinquency and crime, and is detrimental to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare.
(c) "Deteriorating area" means either:
(1) An area, whether predominately built up or open, which is not a slum, blighted or deteriorated area but which, because of incompatible land uses, nonconforming uses, lack of adequate parking facilities, faulty street arrangements, obsolete platting, inadequate community and public utilities, diversity of ownership, tax delinquency, increased density of population without commensurate increases in new residential buildings and community facilities, high turnover in residential or commercial occupancy, lack of maintenance and repair of buildings, or any combination thereof, is detrimental to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, and which will deteriorate, or is in danger of deteriorating, into a slum, blighted or deteriorated area; or
(2) An area consisting principally of land in highways, railway or subway tracks, bridge or tunnel entrances, or other similar facilities which have a blighting influence on the surrounding area and over which air right sites can be developed thereby eliminating such blighting influence.
(d) "Project area" or "urban redevelopment area" or "urban renewal area" means a slum, blighted, deteriorated or deteriorating area or any combination or part thereof which Council designates as of a character and size appropriate for urban renewal activities and for which an urban redevelopment plan or urban renewal plan is proposed or prepared.
(e) "General neighborhood renewal area" means an urban renewal area together with any adjoining areas having specially related problems of such scope that urban renewal activities therein have to be initiated in more than one separate urban renewal project, over an estimated period of up to eight years.
(f) "Urban renewal" or "urban redevelopment" means the activities of the City, with or without Federal or State aid or assistance for developing, undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal or redevelopment programs and projects, including all planning and other related activities of the City in connection therewith, or any part of such activities.
(g) "Open space land" means land which has not been developed by the construction or installation of streets, utilities, buildings (except sporadic or incidental structures) or other site improvements. Whether or not such an area has been platted in whole or in part does not prevent its classification as "open space land."
(h) "Redeveloper" means any person or entity:
(1) Purchasing property from the City within a project area; or
(2) Owning property located within such area and entering into a conforming agreement with the City in consideration of being permitted by the City to retain title to such property.
(i) "Urban renewal plan" or "urban redevelopment plan" means a plan as it exists from time to time for the urban renewal or redevelopment of a project area or part thereof.
(j) "General neighborhood renewal plan" means the plan and program, as it exists from time to time, for the urban renewal or redevelopment of a general neighborhood renewal area. The general neighborhood renewal plan need not contain all of the required contents set forth in Section 161.06 with respect to an urban renewal plan or urban redevelopment plan. Approval of the general neighborhood renewal plan by Council does not create authority to carry out project execution activities.
(k) "Urban renewal project" or "urban redevelopment project" or "project" means undertakings and activities of the City, with or without Federal or State aid or assistance, in a project area for the elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of slum, blighted, deteriorated or deteriorating areas, and may involve clearance and redevelopment in a project area, or rehabilitation and conservation in a project area, or any combination or part thereof, in accordance with the urban renewal or urban redevelopment plan for the project area to the full extent of and in accordance with the rights, powers and authority of the City, whether derived from the applicable provisions of the Federal or State constitutions or statutes, or the City ordinances. Such undertakings and activities in a project area may include:
(1) Acquisition of realty, including the acquisition of air rights;
(2) Demolition and removal of buildings and improvements;
(3) Installation, construction or reconstruction of streets, utilities, parks, playgrounds and other improvements necessary for carrying out the urban renewal or urban redevelopment plan;
(4) Disposition of property for uses in accordance with the urban renewal or urban redevelopment plan;
(5) Encouraging and assisting interested citizens in a private program of voluntary repair and rehabilitation of buildings or other improvements in accordance with the urban renewal plan, with or without aid and assistance by Federal Housing Administration mortgage insurance or special support for mortgage financing through the Federal National Mortgage Association or similar organizations;
(6) Acquisition of any real property where necessary to eliminate unhealthful, unsanitary or unsafe conditions, to reduce lot occupancy or population density that create such conditions, to eliminate uses incompatible with the general character of a neighborhood and which are detrimental to the public welfare, or otherwise to remove or prevent the spread of blight or deterioration or to provide land for needed public facilities; and also disposition of property acquired in accordance with this subsection, for voluntary repair and rehabilitation of buildings or other improvements in accordance with the urban renewal plan;
(7) Construction of foundations and platforms necessary for the appropriate provisions of air right sites in accordance with the urban renewal or urban redevelopment plan;
(8) Acquisition and repair or rehabilitation for guidance purposes and resale of structures which, under the urban renewal plan, are to be repaired or rehabilitated for dwelling use or related facilities, provided that there shall not be acquired for such purposes, in any project area, buildings which contain or shall contain more than 100 dwelling units, or five percent of the total number of dwelling units in such area which under the urban renewal plan are to be repaired or rehabilitated, whichever is the lesser;
(9) Relocating within the project area a structure which the City determines to be of historic value and which will be disposed of to a public body or a private nonprofit organization which will renovate and maintain such structure for historic purposes. The urban renewal project shall not include the construction or improvement by the City of any building other than municipal buildings, except as provided in subparagraphs (7) and (8) hereof and this subparagraph.
(l) "General plan" or "master plan" generally means a broad and general guide and pattern for the future growth and development of the City, including maps, plats, charts and descriptive, interpretive and analytical narratives, as may be appropriate.
(m) "Slum clearance" or "clearance" or "urban redevelopment" may include those undertakings and activities identified in subparagraphs (k)(1), (2), (3), (4) and (7) hereof.
(n) "Rehabilitation" or "conservation" or "reconditioning" may include those undertakings and activities identified in subparagraphs (k)(3), (4), (5), (6), (8) and (9) hereof.
(Ord. 67-189. Passed 8-21-67.)
The Mayor is hereby charged with the responsibility of supervising the urban renewal and urban redevelopment activities of the City, coordinating the activities of the other officers, employees, commissions and boards concerned with such projects, and executing on behalf of the City, as its authorized representative, all applications to the Federal government for grants, loans and advances.
(Ord. 67-189. Passed 8-21-67.)