Pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code § 354.9, the city desires to review subdivisions outside its corporate limits as set forth within this chapter. It is hereby required that no subdivision of land within the city or land located within the following described area: beginning at the southeast corner of 140th Avenue and Slopertown Road, then west to 130th Avenue, then north to the south line of 255th Street, then east to the west line of 190th Avenue, then south to the south line of 220th Street, then west to the west line of 180th Avenue the south to the south city limits, then west along the south city limits to the point of beginning, which is not within another municipality shall be entitled to be recorded in the county or have any validity until it has been approved by the Council. In the event of overlapping jurisdiction within such described area, the extent of jurisdiction shall be to a line equal distance between the limits of the overlapping municipalities concerned. Each person, firm or corporation seeking Council’s approval of a map, plat or subdivision shall follow the procedure outlined in this chapter.