§ 11.01 FINAL PLAT.
   The final plat may include all or only part of the preliminary plat and should include or indicate the following:
   (A)   Final plat shall be drawn to the scale of one inch to 100 feet or larger. The size of the plat sheet shall not be less than eight and one-half inches by 11 inches, nor shall it exceed 30 inches by 36 inches in size. The scale of the drawing shall be clearly stated and graphically illustrated by a bar scale on every plat sheet;
   (B)   If there are multiple sheets used, each shall display both the number of the sheet and the total number of sheets in the plat with clearly labeled match lines indicating where the other sheets adjoin. An index shall be provided to show the relationship between the sheets;
   (C)   Accurate tract boundary lines with dimensions and angles which provide a survey tract, closing with an error of not more than one foot in 5,000 feet;
   (D)   All monuments, erected corners and other points established in the field in their proper places; the material of which the monuments, corners or other points are made shall be noted at the representation thereof, by legend;
   (E)   All proposed streets named and listed;
   (F)   All curves supplied with complete and accurate curve notes;
   (G)   The exact length and bearing of the boundary lines of all blocks, public grounds, streets, alleys and all lot lines, except that when the lines in any tier of lots are parallel, it shall be sufficient to mark the bearings of the outer lines on one tier thereof; easements shall be shown by center line and width when lines are parallel to a boundary; otherwise, boundary bearings and distances shall be shown;
   (H)   The exact width of all easements, streets and alleys. The purpose of all easements shall be clearly stated;
   (I)   All blocks consecutively numbered or lettered in alphabetical order; the blocks in numbered additions to subdivisions bearing the same name shall be numbered or lettered consecutively through the several additions;
   (J)   All lots in each block numbered progressively. Progressive block numbers or letters may be assigned to groups of lots separated from other lots by streets or other physical features of the land. The surveyor shall not assign numbers or letters to a lot shown within a subdivision plat;
   (K)   All lake or stream shore meander lines established by the surveyor in accordance with the preliminary plat requirements, the distances and bearings thereof and the distance between the point of intersection of such meander lines with lot lines and the ordinary high water mark;
   (L)   All front setback lines and side setback lines on intersecting street sides of corner lots;
   (M)   Areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use and any area to be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of all property owners in the subdivision shall be assigned a progressive letter and shall have the proposed use clearly designated;
   (N)   Where provisions are made for access from any subdivision to any lake or stream, the plat shall show the area over which access is provided to the lake or stream;
   (O)   The names of adjoining streets, state highways and subdivisions shown in their proper location;
   (P)   Abutting street and state highway lines of adjoining plats shown in their proper location by dotted lines. The width of these streets and highways shall be given also;
   (Q)   A subdivision name or title, approved by the County Auditor, that is unique to the county;
   (R)   Name of owner(s) of the property;
   (S)   North point and date;
   (T)   A strip of land shall not be reserved by the subdivider, unless the land is sufficient size and shape to be of practical use or service as determined by the Board;
   (U)   Certification by a registered state land surveyor indicating that he or she has surveyed the subdivision and that the plat conforms to said survey;
   (V)   Notarized certification by the owner of the dedication of streets and other public areas;
   (W)   Final approval by Council and the Board with signature and date spaces for Mayor, Clerk and the Board Chairperson; and
   (X)   If a transmission pipeline, exceeding six inches in diameter, is located within the plat or within 1,000 feet of the plat boundary, then a note shall be included under the general notes describing the location of the pipeline, its size, type of materials transported and the maximum allowed operating pressure.