Preliminary plat of the subdivision drawn to the scale of one inch to 100 feet or larger and including:
(A) Name of the proposed subdivision with the approximate length and bearing of the exterior boundaries, which are to be indicated by a solid heavy line. It is recommended that the subdivider consult with the County Auditor to ensure that the subdivision is uniquely named;
(B) Name and address of owner;
(C) Names of person(s) who prepared the plat and owner’s attorney, representatives or agent;
(D) North point, graphic scale and date;
(E) Location of the proposed subdivision by township, section town and range or by other legal description;
(F) Contours at two feet intervals where ground slope is regular, contours at five feet intervals when ground slope is irregular as determined by the Board;
(G) Location, widths and names of all existing or prior platted streets or other public ways, lot lines, railroad and utility rights-of-way, parks or other public open space, permanent buildings and structures, houses or permanent easements and section and corporation lines within or adjacent to the tract and/or other relevant information required by the Board;
(H) Existing sewers, water mains, culverts or other underground facilities within the tract or adjacent to the tract, indicating pipe sizes, grades, manholes and approximate location. Any transmission pipeline over six inches in diameter, located outside the boundary of the plat but within 1,000 feet of the plat, shall be shown on the location map and a note included in the general notes as to its size, type of materials transported and maximum allowed operating pressure;
(I) Boundary lines of adjacent tracts of unsubdivided or subdivided land, showing ownership where possible;
(J) Layout of proposed blocks (if used) and lots, including the dimensions of each, and the lot and block number in numerical order;
(K) All front setback lines and side setback lines on intersecting street sides of corner lots;
(L) Location, width, other dimensions and names of existing and proposed streets, alleys and roads with approximate radii of all curves and length of tangents, utility easements, parks and other open spaces or reserved areas;
(M) Zoning classification on and adjacent to the subdivision;
(N) Approximate grades of proposed streets and alleys;
(O) Width of proposed streets;
(P) The layout of proposed water mains and sanitary sewers;
(Q) The proposed drainage system of the subdivision, including storm sewers, ditches, culverts, bridges and other structures;
(R) Boundaries of the highest known flood of record affecting the subdivision and the source of information;
(S) If the proposed subdivision borders on a lake or stream, the distances and bearings of a meander line established not less than 20 feet back from the mean high water mark of the lake or stream;
(T) A statement, near the owner’s name, to read: “PRELIMINARY PLAT, NOT TO BE RECORDED”;
(U) A table of the following information: total acreage of subdivision, total number of lots and acreage of public lands to be dedicated other than streets; and
(V) A complete listing of all existing convenants which apply to the land to be subdivided and a complete listing of all covenants that are proposed by the developer to apply to the subdivided land.