The PUD shall not be approved unless and until the city council determines that the conceptual development plan conforms to each of the following standards:
A. The conceptual development plan is in substantial conformance with the comprehensive plan to guide the future growth and development of the city.
B. The proposed development is designed so as to be functionally integrated with existing city streets, sanitary and storm sewer and water service.
C. The proposed development shall not interfere with the appropriate use and enjoyment of property on abutting districts.
D. The conceptual development plan will not violate any provision or requirement of this title.
E. Natural drainage areas are retained as appropriate and improved if necessary.
F. Due consideration is given to preserving natural site amenities and minimizing the disturbance to the natural environment.
G. Existing trees are preserved wherever possible, and the location of trees will be considered in designing building locations, underground services, and paved areas.
H. If the development includes floodplain areas, any development within the floodplain shall conform to the floodplain hazard overlay district regulations in accordance with section 16-6-4 of this title. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
The zoning advisory commission's recommendation shall be transmitted to the city council with a statement of reasons in support of, or in opposition to, the application, and with recommended conditions or restrictions to be included in an ordinance authorizing the PUD district. The conditions or restrictions shall include, but not be limited to:
A. Time limitations, if any, for submission of final site plans and commencement of construction.
B. Uses permitted in the district.
C. Lot, bulk and performance standards for the development and operation of the permitted uses.
D. Requirement that any transfer of ownership or lease of property in the district include in the transfer or lease agreement a provision that the purchaser or lessee acknowledges awareness of the conditions authorizing the establishment of the district.
E. The submittal and approval of a final site plan may be required by the zoning advisory commission to determine if the final detailed plans are in conformance with the conceptual development plan. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. Upon the recommendation of the zoning advisory commission, the city council shall act in the manner provided by law to approve or disapprove the requested PUD zoning reclassification of the property. The affirmative vote of at least three-fourths (3/4) of all the membership of the council shall be necessary to approve the conceptual development plan when the commission has recommended disapproval thereof, or to remove any conditions, requirements, or limitations imposed by the commission in approving the conceptual development plan.
B. The ordinance authorizing the establishment, expansion, or amendment of a PUD district shall be recorded in the office of the Dubuque County recorder at the applicant's expense. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. Submission Of Final Site Plan: After adoption of the ordinance establishing the PUD by the city council, the applicant shall submit a final site plan to the city planner prior to development. The final site plan shall be in substantial conformance with approved conceptual development plan.
B. Site Plan Review: No building permit shall be issued for any site unless a final site plan has been submitted and approved in accordance with the provisions of chapter 12 of this title and unless such plan conforms with the conditions of the adopted conceptual development plan and PUD ordinance.
C. Construction Of Improvements And Posting Of Bond: No buildings may be erected and no uses may occupy any portion of the PUD district until the required related off site improvements are constructed or appropriate security as determined by the city manager is provided to ensure construction. If the PUD district is to be development in phases, all improvements necessary for the proper operation and functioning of each phase, even though some improvements may be located outside of the section, must be constructed and installed or appropriate security as determined by the city manager must be provided to ensure their construction.
D. Changes From Conceptual Plan: After recording of a final site plan, nonmaterial changes consistent with the purpose or intent of this section 16-5-24 may be approved by the city planner. Material changes affecting the purpose or intent of this section 16-5-24 shall require a new application to be filed. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)