16-5-18-3: ACCESSORY USES:
The following uses are permitted as accessory uses as provided in section 16-3-7 of this title:
   Any use customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use it serves.
   Drive-up automated bank teller.
   Wind turbine (building mounted). (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
16-5-18-4: TEMPORARY USES:
The following uses may be permitted as temporary uses in the LI district in conformance with the provisions of section 16-3-19 of this title:
Any use listed as a permitted use within the district. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
16-5-18-5: PARKING:
Minimum parking requirements shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of chapter 14 of this title. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
16-5-18-6: SIGNS:
Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of chapter 15 of this title. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)