The "comprehensive plan" is the community's principal tool to guide its future development, public policies and decision making. The comprehensive plan is only intended as a guide and shall not be interpreted or construed to give rise to any enforceable rights or remedies. Such community plan must:
A. Be value driven;
B. Be the product of and periodically tested and updated by a community planning process;
C. Involve all aspects of the community (physical, environmental, social, cultural, economic, emotional and spiritual);
D. Be long range in focus, covering a period of from ten (10) to fifteen (15) years;
E. Include the entire community geographically, not just one or more sections;
F. Be action oriented;
G. Be approved by city council resolution. (2007 Code § 36-1)
The comprehensive plan consists of the following elements:
A. Shared Vision Statement: This element summarizes the shared vision which is a product of the community planning process.
B. Statement Of Policy, Goals And Objectives: This element explains the direction, ideals and desires which the comprehensive plan is intended to satisfy. This element serves as the justification for many of the planning and budget decisions and ordinances and regulations which follow.
C. Inventory Analysis: This element includes a complete description of current conditions in the community and represents a shared database for use in developing the various elements of the comprehensive plan. It includes population characteristics and projections; income information; housing information; economic activity (retail, services and industry); employment characteristics and needs; natural environment (soils, climate, vegetation, and topography); transportation information; survey of existing land use; utility systems; community facilities; history and culture of the residents; problems and issues identified by community planning process; feelings and image of the community as viewed by its residents; and similar data. This analysis should identify community trends, project such trends into the future and assess the probable impact. The inventory analysis should identify and include all appropriate studies and analysis done by city, county, state and federal agencies.
D. Land Use Element: This element includes a description of existing land use patterns and identifies the best future physical development of the community. It becomes the guide for the official zoning map and for making zoning and subdivision decisions, but only such decisions by the city council may be binding and enforceable. It is the guide in regard to the best utilization of private and public development, the timing of that development and its association with other public improvements.
E. Transportation Element: The total transportation network which serves the community is inventoried, mapped and evaluated in this element. In addition to the local streets and highways, this element includes air traffic (passenger and freight handling); railroad service; other public transportation (bus and traffic type modes) and water transportation.
F. Housing Element: This element considers the present condition of housing; the community's housing needs in terms of condition, availability and affordability and future demand. Areas with housing in need of substantial rehabilitation and maintenance are identified, and financial and service assistance are addressed as they relate to improving the housing stock.
G. City Physical Infrastructure Element: This element analyzes the current and future needs of the city's physical infrastructure system. These future needs must be compatible and consistent with the land use plan and transportation plan. The city's physical infrastructure includes:
1. Parks and open spaces plan;
2. Water treatment and distribution plan;
3. Wastewater collection and treatment plan;
4. Stormwater management plan;
5. Floodwall management plan;
6. Library long range plan;
7. Parking system long range plan;
8. Solid waste management plan;
9. Capital improvements program (CIP);
10. Electric, natural gas, cable TV and telecommunications distribution plans;
11. Public buildings plans of city, county and school systems;
12. Vacant land study (capability for development).
H. Public Safety Element: This element reviews the current and future needs of the police, fire, communications, and code enforcement activities based upon current and projected workload and community goals, desires and priorities.
I. Public Health Element: This element determines the current and future public health needs and priorities of the community. This element should look specifically at community public health nursing services, communicable disease prevention and control issues and actions and environmental health needs and actions.
J. Public Education Element: This element is concerned with the quality and quantity of education provided to the community by the public, parochial and private education districts and facilities. (This element should be completed by such education providers and includes an inventory of facilities, conditions, programs, uses, statistics, needs, improvements planned, etc.)
K. Human Services Element: This element studies current efforts and needs in providing basic services and amenities to the needy, disadvantaged and underemployed. (This element should be completed by human services providers and include the delivery of services, programs, uses and conditions of facilities, client data, needs, plans, etc.)
L. Special Plans Element: This element includes areas and issues of special concern which require special consideration and planning. These include:
1. Economic development plan;
2. Long range annexation plan;
3. Downtown redevelopment plan;
4. Historic preservation plan;
5. Tourism development plan;
6. Riverfront development plan;
7. Freeway corridor plan;
8. Urban renewal plan;
9. Urban revitalization plan.
M. Implementation Element: This element details the necessary and agreed upon action steps, responsibility, schedule and cost to implement the goals, objectives and recommendations of the comprehensive plan. The community planning process should serve to assist the city council, city administration and community leaders in prioritizing implementation. (2007 Code § 36-2)