16-5-1: Generally
16-5-1-1: Application Of Zoning District Regulations
16-5-1-2: Zoning District Boundaries
16-5-1-3: Official Zoning Map
16-5-1-4: Zoning Districts Established
16-5-1-5: Annexation Zoning Policy
16-5-1-6: Conformance To Code Required
16-5-2: R-1 Single-Family Residential
16-5-2-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-2-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-2-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-2-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-2-5: Parking
16-5-2-6: Signs
16-5-2-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-3: R-2 Two-Family Residential
16-5-3-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-3-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-3-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-3-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-3-5: Parking
16-5-3-6: Signs
16-5-3-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-4: R-2A Alternate Two-Family Residential
16-5-4-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-4-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-4-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-4-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-4-5: Parking
16-5-4-6: Signs
16-5-4-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-5: R-3 Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential
16-5-5-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-5-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-5-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-5-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-5-5: Parking
16-5-5-6: Signs
16-5-5-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-6: R-4 Multi-Family Residential
16-5-6-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-6-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-6-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-6-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-6-5: Parking
16-5-6-6: Signs
16-5-6-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-7: OR Office Residential
16-5-7-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-7-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-7-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-7-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-7-5: Parking
16-5-7-6: Signs
16-5-7-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-8: OS Office Service
16-5-8-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-8-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-8-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-8-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-8-5: Parking
16-5-8-6: Signs
16-5-8-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-9: OC Office Commercial
16-5-9-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-9-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-9-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-9-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-9-5: Parking
16-5-9-6: Signs
16-5-9-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-10: C-1 Neighborhood Commercial
16-5-10-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-10-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-10-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-10-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-10-5: Parking
16-5-10-6: Signs
16-5-10-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-10-8: Standards For Nonresidential Uses
16-5-11: C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center
16-5-11-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-11-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-11-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-11-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-11-5: Parking
16-5-11-6: Signs
16-5-11-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-12: C-2A Mixed Use Neighborhood
16-5-12-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-12-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-12-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-12-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-12-5: Parking
16-5-12-6: Signs
16-5-12-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-13: C-3 General Commercial
16-5-13-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-13-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-13-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-13-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-13-5: Parking
16-5-13-6: Signs
16-5-13-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-14: C-4 Downtown Commercial
16-5-14-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-14-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-14-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-14-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-14-5: Parking
16-5-14-6: Signs
16-5-14-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-15: C-5 Central Business
16-5-15-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-15-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-15-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-15-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-15-5: Parking
16-5-15-6: Signs
16-5-15-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-16: CS Commercial Service And Wholesale
16-5-16-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-16-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-16-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-16-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-16-5: Parking
16-5-16-6: Signs
16-5-16-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-17: CR Commercial Recreation
16-5-17-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-17-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-17-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-17-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-17-5: Parking
16-5-17-6: Signs
16-5-17-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-18: LI Light Industrial
16-5-18-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-18-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-18-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-18-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-18-5: Parking
16-5-18-6: Signs
16-5-18-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-19: HI Heavy Industrial
16-5-19-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-19-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-19-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-19-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-19-5: Parking
16-5-19-6: Signs
16-5-19-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-20: MHI Modified Heavy Industrial
16-5-20-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-20-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-20-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-20-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-20-5: Parking
16-5-20-6: Signs
16-5-20-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-21: AG Agriculture
16-5-21-1: Prohibited Uses
16-5-21-2: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-21-3: Conditional Uses
16-5-21-4: Accessory Uses
16-5-21-5: Temporary Uses
16-5-21-6: Parking
16-5-21-7: Signs
16-5-21-8: Bulk Regulations
16-5-22: ID Institutional
16-5-22-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-22-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-22-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-22-4: District Establishment, Expansion And Modification
16-5-22-5: Commencement Of Use By Parties Unassociated With Principal Institution Prohibited
16-5-22-6: District Standards
16-5-22-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-23: POS Public Open Space
16-5-23-1: Principal Permitted Uses
16-5-23-2: Conditional Uses
16-5-23-3: Accessory Uses
16-5-23-4: Temporary Uses
16-5-23-5: Parking
16-5-23-6: Signs
16-5-23-7: Bulk Regulations
16-5-24: PUD Planned Unit Development
16-5-24-1: Purpose
16-5-24-2: General Requirements
16-5-24-3: Development Regulations
16-5-24-4: Procedure To Establish, Amend, Or Expand PUD
16-5-24-5: Plan Approval Standards
16-5-24-6: Commission Recommendation
16-5-24-7: Council Action
16-5-24-8: Development To Follow Approved Site Plan
In order to regulate and restrict the height, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures; the percentage of lot that may be occupied; the size of the yards, courts, and other open spaces; the density of population; and the location and use of buildings, structures, and land for trade, industry, residence, or other purposes, the city and the area within its extraterritorial jurisdiction is hereby divided into zoning districts. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of the various districts shown on the official zoning map, the following rules apply:
A. The district boundaries are the centerlines of either streets or alleys unless otherwise shown, and where the districts designated on the official zoning map are bounded approximately by street or alley centerlines, the street or alley centerline shall be construed to be the boundary of the district.
B. Where the property has been or may hereafter be divided into blocks and platted lots, the district boundaries shall be construed to coincide with the nearest platted lot lines; and where the districts designated on the official zoning map are bounded approximately by platted lot lines, the platted lot line shall be construed to be the boundary of the district.
C. In unsubdivided property, the district boundary lines on the official zoning map shall be determined by use of the scale appearing on the map. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. The city is hereby divided into districts as shown on the official zoning map, which together with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this title. The official zoning map shall be identified by the signature of the mayor, attested by the city clerk together with the date of adoption of this title. The official zoning map shall be located in the planning services department.
B. No changes of any nature shall be made on the official zoning map except in conformity with the procedure set forth in this title. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)