16-11-1: Purpose And Intent
16-11-2: Applicability
16-11-3: Recording Of Subdivision Plats
16-11-4: Exception Of Specific Subdivision Requirements
16-11-5: Application Fee For Subdivision Plat Review Required
16-11-6: Subdivisions Classified
16-11-7: Application Requirements And Review Process
16-11-8: Subdivision Design Standards
16-11-9: Recreational Open Space
16-11-9-1: Computation Of Recreational Open Space Required
16-11-9-2: Responsibility For Site Preparation
16-11-9-3: Ownership And Management
16-11-10: Sustainable Subdivision Development Tools
16-11-11: Conservation Subdivision
16-11-11-1: Conservation Subdivision Design Criteria
16-11-11-2: Conservation Subdivision Development Bonus
16-11-12: Solar Subdivision
16-11-13: Cottage Design Subdivision
16-11-14: Blocks And Lots
16-11-15: Streets
16-11-16: Sidewalks
16-11-17: Bikeways
16-11-18: Utility Location
16-11-19: Street Trees
16-11-20: Water Supply
16-11-21: Sanitary Sewer
16-11-22: Stormwater, Grading And Erosion Control
16-11-23: Obligation To Install Improvements
16-11-24: Improvement Guarantees
A. The purpose of these regulations is to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. These regulations are intended to facilitate and to coordinate the subdivision of land within the city; to establish a consistent policy for plats submitted to the zoning advisory commission and the city council; and to enable the commission and city council to ascertain whether such plats conform to the applicable statutes and ordinances.
B. The intent of these regulations is as follows:
1. To guide the future growth and development of the community consistent with the city of Dubuque's adopted comprehensive plan.
2. To help identify those areas appropriate for development and those areas appropriate for conservation.
3. To preserve open space and environmentally sensitive areas such as wildlife habitat, riparian/wetland areas, by concentrating development, where feasible.
4. To provide open space areas for passive and/or active recreational use.
5. To provide for a diversity of lot sizes, housing choices and building densities.
6. To provide buffering between residential development and nonresidential uses.
7. To protect environmentally sensitive areas and biological diversity, preserve existing trees, and maintain environmental corridors.
8. To preserve significant archaeological sites, historic buildings and their settings. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. Land Divided Within City Limits Or Within Two Miles Of The City Limits: These regulations shall apply to all land to be divided which is within the limits of the city or within two (2) miles of the limits of the city as provided in Iowa Code section 354.9.
B. Plats Vacating Public Right Of Way: These regulations shall not apply to plats vacating public right of way or disposal of excess right of way per Iowa Code section 306.23. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord. 7-11, 1-18-2011; Ord. 32-14, 4-21-2014; Ord. 11-21, 4-19-2021)