16-6-1: RROD Rural Residential Overlay District
16-6-1-1: Applicability
16-6-1-2: Establishment Of R-1 Single-Family Residential Zoning District
16-6-1-3: Reclassification To Original Underlying Or Any Other Zoning District
16-6-2: RHOD Restricted Height Overlay District
16-6-2-1: Applicability
16-6-2-2: Area Designations And Height Limitations
16-6-3: SOD Freeway 61/151 Corridor Signage Overlay District
16-6-3-1: Purpose
16-6-3-2: SOD Boundary
16-6-3-3: SOD Sign Regulations
16-6-4: Flood Hazard Overlay District
16-6-4-1: Definitions
16-6-4-2: Statutory Authority, Findings Of Fact And Purpose
16-6-4-3: General Provisions
16-6-4-4: Administration
16-6-4-5: Establishment Of Floodplain (Overlay) Districts
16-6-4-6: Floodway (Overlay) District (FW)
16-6-4-7: Floodway Fringe (Overlay) District (FF)
16-6-4-8: General Floodplain (Overlay) District (GF)
16-6-4-9: Appointment And Duties Of Board Of Adjustment
16-6-4-10: Nonconforming Uses
16-6-4-11: Penalties For Violation
16-6-4-12: Amendments
16-6-5: Airport Overlay District
16-6-6: OTN Old Town Neighborhood District Overlay
16-6-6-1: Purpose
16-6-6-2: OTN Boundary
16-6-6-3: OTN Design Guidelines
16-6-6-4: Applicability
Areas designated as rural residential overlay districts (RROD) shall be identified on the official zoning map. The overlay zoning district designation supplements, but does not replace the underlying AG agriculture zoning district except as otherwise provided herein. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)