16-7-1: Home Based Businesses
16-7-1-1: General Provisions
16-7-1-2: Permitted Home Based Business Uses
16-7-1-3: Prohibited Home Based Business Uses
16-7-1-4: Home Based Businesses As Conditional Uses
16-7-2: Towers And Antennas
16-7-2-1: Definitions
16-7-2-2: Applicability
16-7-2-3: Communication Tower Standards
16-7-2-4: Antennas
16-7-2-5: Conditional Use Permit Application
16-7-2-6: Security Fencing
16-7-2-7: Exterior Finish
16-7-2-8: Landscaping
16-7-2-9: Lighting
16-7-2-10: Maintenance, Repair And Modification
16-7-2-11: Support Facilities
16-7-2-12: Removal Of Communication Towers And Antennas
16-7-2-13: Nonconforming Communication Towers And Antennas
16-7-2-14: Satellite Dish Antenna Regulations
16-7-3: Wind Energy Conversion Systems
16-7-3-1: Purpose
16-7-3-2: Definitions
16-7-3-3: Residential Wind Energy Conversion Systems (RWECS)
16-7-3-4: Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems (SWECS)
16-7-3-5: Commercial Wind Energy Conversion Systems (CWECS)
16-7-3-6: Freestanding WECS Bulk Standards
16-7-3-7: Building Mountable Wind Turbines (BMWT)
16-7-3-8: Repair; Abandonment; Removal
16-7-4: Adult Entertainment Establishments
16-7-4-1: Purpose
16-7-4-2: Siting Requirements
16-7-5: Payday Lending Establishments
16-7-5-1: Purpose
16-7-5-2: Definition
16-7-5-3: Payday Lending - Siting Requirements
   A.   Permitted As Accessory Uses; Restrictions: Home based businesses shall be permitted as accessory uses within principal residential dwellings, provided they meet the following provisions and the requirements of the district in which located. A home based business shall not be permitted that:
      1.   Changes the outside appearance of the dwelling or is visible from the street.
      2.   Generates traffic, parking, sewerage or water use in excess of what is normal in the residential neighborhood.
      3.   Creates a hazard to person or property, results in electrical interference, or becomes a nuisance.
      4.   Results in outside storage or display of any kind.
      5.   Employs other than self or family members residing on the premises.
      6.   Occupies more than fifty percent (50%) of the total floor area of the dwelling unit.
      7.   Requires deliveries of materials to and from the premises involving the use of vehicles over two (2) ton capacity, except parcel post or similar parcel service vehicles.
      8.   Produces noise, vibration, smoke, odors, heat or glare as a result of a home based business which would exceed that normally produced by a single residence as determined by the city planner.
      9.   Advertises with a sign on site or off premises.
   B.   Customer And Client Contacts: Customer and client contact shall be primarily by telephone, mail, fax, e-mail, or website and not on the premises of the home based business, except those home based businesses such as tutoring, teaching, childcare or personal services which cannot be conducted without personal contact and as permitted in the following section.
   C.   Services Or Sales: Services or sales conducted on the premises shall be by appointment only and shall not be oriented toward, or attract, off the street customer or client traffic. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)