Sewer Regulations
1044.001   Purpose; scope.
1044.002   Definitions.
1044.003   Unlawful deposition.
1044.004   Discharge prohibited without required approvals, permits, and treatment.
1044.005   Unlawful construction.
1044.006   Required connection to available sanitary sewer.
1044.007   Waste discharge prohibited except through approved sewer connection.
1044.008   Private treatment and disposal requirements.
1044.009   Public sewer becomes available.
1044.010   Operation and maintenance of private facilities.
1044.011   Statement regarding public health requirements.
1044.012   Private wastewater disposal requirements.
1044.013   Sewer maintenance.
1044.014   Customer connection requirements.
1044.015   Disruption of service.
1044.016   Service inspections.
1044.017   Building sewer connection permits.
1044.018   Connection costs.
1044.019   Multiple buildings.
1044.020   Existing building sewers.
1044.021   Pipe materials.
1044.022   Pipe joints and connections.
1044.023   Pipe size and slope.
1044.024   Building sewer location.
1044.025   Low building sewers.
1044.026   Wye branch connection designation.
1044.027   Building sewer inspection.
1044.028   Protection and restoration.
1044.029   Capacity required.
1044.030   Pretreatment of any discharge may be required.
1044.031   Grease, oil and sand interceptors.
1044.032   Discharge prohibitions.
1044.033   Pretreatment standards and requirements.
1044.034   Right of revision.
1044.035   POTW’s right to refuse or condition discharge.
1044.036   Most restrictive standards and requirements apply.
1044.037   Dilution prohibited as substitute for treatment.
1044.038   User permit required.
1044.039   Determination of user status.
1044.040   Permit application deadlines.
1044.041   Permit application requirements.
1044.042   Permit issuance, denial, or determination that permit not required.
1044.043   Permit conditions.
1044.044   Permit modifications.
1044.045   Permit duration.
1044.046   Permit reissuance.
1044.047   Continuation of expired permits.
1044.048   Permit suspension and revocation.
1044.049   Limitations on permit transfer.
1044.050   Duty to provide information.
1044.051   Permit appeals.
1044.052   Permits not stayed.
1044.053   Permit fees.
1044.054   Reports by nondomestic users regarding categorical pretreatment standards and requirements.
1044.055   Reports required for nondomestic users not subject to categorical pretreatment standards.
1044.056   Notice by user of potential problems.
1044.057   Notice by user of violation of pretreatment standards.
1044.058   Notice by user of changed discharge or change in user status.
1044.059   Notice by user regarding wastes that are otherwise hazardous.
1044.060   Notice by user regarding installation of new pretreatment facilities.
1044.061   Other reports and notices required by this chapter or other applicable laws and regulations.
1044.062   Requirements applicable to all required reports and notifications.
1044.063   Signature and certification requirements.
1044.064   Sampling and analytical techniques and procedures.
1044.065   Sampling frequency.
1044.066   Sample types.
1044.067   Sampling methods, equipment and location.
1044.068   Costs of monitoring, sampling and analyses.
1044.069   Self-monitoring.
1044.070   Sampling and analyses performed by POTW.
1044.071   Split samples and sample results.
1044.072   Maintenance, repair and calibration of equipment.
1044.073   Required sampling structures and devices.
1044.074   Accidental discharges.
1044.075   Designation of person in charge of discharge operations.
1044.076   Description of chemicals stored, used or manufactured by user; user discharges; user premises.
1044.077   Segregation of wastewaters requiring pretreatment.
1044.078   Secondary containment requirements.
1044.079   Submission of pollution incident prevention plan.
1044.080   Posting of accidental discharge information.
1044.081   Notice of accidental discharge.
1044.082   Slug control plan.
1044.083   Upset.
1044.084   Additional affirmative defenses.
1044.085   Bypass not violating applicable pretreatment standards or requirements.
1044.086   Bypass prohibited.
1044.087   Required notices.
1044.088   POTW approved bypass.
1044.089   Confidential information.
1044.090   Maintenance of records.
1044.091   Operation and management of POTW.
1044.092   Powers of POTW Manager.
1044.093   Provision by users of necessary pretreatment facilities.
1044.094   Proper operation and maintenance.
1044.095   Removed substances.
1044.096   Duty to halt or reduce activity.
1044.097   Duty to mitigate.
1044.098   Duty to pretreat prior to discharge to POTW.
1044.099   Additional pretreatment measures.
1044.100   Implementation of best management practices or Best Management Practices Plan.
1044.101   POTW inspection, surveillance and monitoring authority; right of entry.
1044.102   Notice of violation.
1044.103   Orders and supplemental enforcement tools.
1044.104   Service of notices of violations, orders and notices of assessments.
1044.105   Publication of users in significant noncompliance.
1044.106   Municipal civil infractions.
1044.107   Criminal penalties; imprisonment.
1044.108   Continuing violation.
1044.109   Number of violations.
1044.110   Nuisance.
1044.111   Reimbursement.
1044.112   Judicial relief.
1044.113   Cumulative remedies.
1044.114   Severance of water supply.
1044.115   Procedures available.
1044.116   Review and reconsideration by the POTW Manager.
1044.117   Appeal to POTW Board of Appeals.
1044.118   Payment of charges, penalties, fines, and other costs or fees pending outcome of appeal.
1044.119   Finality of action.
1044.120   Appeals from determination of POTW Board of Appeals.
1044.121   Protection from damage.
1044.122   Municipal liability.
1044.123   Purpose of industrial pretreatment programs fees.
1044.124   Rates, charges, and fees for nondomestic users.
1044.125   IPP fee amounts.
1044.126   Surcharges.
1044.127   Billing and collection of IPP fees.
1044.128   Sewer rates and County Capital Improvement Fee (CCIF).
1044.129   Sewer usage charges and CCIF; metering; estimates.
1044.130   Sewer capacity purchase (CCIF).
1044.131   Domestic use of a premises; nondomestic use of a premises.
1044.132   Review of non-metered usage charges and CCIF; mandatory metering.
1044.133   Collection action.
1044.134   Separate books, records and accounts; audit.
1044.135   Annual review of rates, fees, charges and surcharges.
1044.136   Annual review of nondomestic users.
1044.137   Insurance.
1044.138   Service terms and conditions.
1044.139   Lien.
1044.140   User inventory and other information.
   Collection of unpaid utility bills - see S.U. & P.S. 1049.01
   Hazardous spills, releases or discharges - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 646
   Tampering with and theft of utilities - see GEN. OFF. 662.08 
   Unlawful discharges into sewers, drains, basins, etc. - see GEN. OFF. 674.10 
   Sewers in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1250.05, 1250.09 
   Sewers in unplatted land and condominium projects - see P. & Z. 1289.11(b), (c)