(a)   The POTW may require any user to install at each discharge point a suitable control structure (such as a manhole or sampling vault) and necessary measuring and sampling devices (including automatic devices) to facilitate the observation, sampling, and measurement of the quantity, composition, and concentrations of discharges to the POTW. The structure and devices shall be maintained at all times in a safe, clean and proper operating condition at the sole expense of the user.
   (b)   There shall be ample room in or near the control structure to allow accurate monitoring, measuring, sampling and preparation of samples for analysis, as determined necessary by the POTW Manager. At a minimum, all sewers shall have an inspection and sampling manhole or structure with an opening of no less than 24 inches in diameter and an internal diameter of no less than 36 inches containing flow measuring, recording and sampling equipment as required by the POTW Manager to assure compliance with this chapter.
   (c)   Any temporary or permanent obstruction for safe and easy access to the facility to be inspected and/or sampled shall be promptly removed by the user at the verbal or written request of the POTW. The costs of clearing such access shall be born by the user.
   (d)   The location and complexity of the required control structure or devices may vary with sampling requirements determined necessary by the POTW Manager to protect the POTW and to comply with applicable laws and regulations.
   (e)   The required sampling structures and devices shall be constructed and installed at the user’s sole expense in accordance with plans submitted to the POTW, and in compliance with all applicable local construction standards and specifications. Construction shall be completed within 90 days following written notification by the POTW, or within such other shorter or longer time period specified by the POTW Manager as required by the particular circumstances to meet the requirements of this chapter. The structures and devices shall be operated and maintained by the user at the user’s sole expense so as to be safe and accessible to POTW personnel during all reasonable times and so as to provide accurate and representative monitoring data. If a user fails to install or maintain a required structure or device, the POTW may do so and charge the costs to the user.
   (f)   The sampling structures and devices must be provided on the user’s premises as approved by the POTW, but the POTW may, if it determines that such a location would be impractical or cause undue hardship to the user, allow the facility to be constructed in the public street or sidewalk area and located so that it will not be obstructed by landscaping or parked vehicles.
   (g)   Samples shall be taken at a control structure approved by the POTW. However, in the absence of a suitable control structure as required by this section, samples shall be taken immediately downstream from pretreatment facilities if pretreatment facilities exist, or immediately downstream from the regulated process if no pretreatment facilities exist. If other wastewaters are mixed with a regulated process wastestream prior to pretreatment, the user must measure the flows and concentrations necessary to allow use of the combined wastestream formula under MAC R 323.2311(7) or other methods required by the POTW to evaluate compliance with applicable pretreatment standards and requirements.
   (h)   No user shall change monitoring points without first notifying and receiving the approval of the POTW Manager. The POTW Manager shall not approve any change in a user’s monitoring point or points that would allow the user to substitute dilution for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with applicable standards.
(Ord. 2009-02. Passed 5-11-09.)