1044.066 SAMPLE TYPES.
   Where representative samples are required to be taken, a user shall take a minimum of four grab samples for pH, temperature, cyanide, phenols (T), residual chlorine, oil and grease, sulfide, and volatile organics (and any other parameters designated by the POTW Manager), unless a lesser or greater number of grab samples is approved or required in advance by the POTW Manager. Grab samples may be required to show compliance with instantaneous maximum discharge limits. For all other pollutants and sampling, 24-hour composite samples must be obtained through flow-proportional composite sampling techniques. The POTW Manager may waive flow-proportional composite sampling for any user that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the POTW Manager that flow-proportional sampling is infeasible. If flow-proportional sampling is waived, samples may instead be obtained through time-proportional composite sampling techniques, or through a minimum of four grab samples, if the user demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Manager that this will provide a representative sample of the effluent being discharged.
(Ord. 2009-02. Passed 5-11-09.)