(a)   The County Capital Improvement Fee (CCIF) is a one-time fee assessed, if at all, at the time of application for connection to the POTW by applying the established CCIF rate to the unit or number of REUs assigned by the County Agency to a classification of user. One unit is based upon a peak hour use. A peak hour use of 52.5 gallons per hour (1,260 gallons per day) is one unit. A single-family detached residential dwelling is considered one unit. The number of units assigned per connection to a nondomestic building is determined by one of two ways:
      (1)   Using existing water usage records from metering, identifying the peak hourly usage and dividing by 52.5 and dividing again by the percentage of occupancy at time of usage yields the number of units.
      (2)   If metering data is not available, the County Agency shall assign the number of units based upon the approved site plan and the Table of Residential Equivalent Units.
   (b)   All connections (whether domestic or nondomestic) shall be assigned at least one unit. Any partial units will be rounded up to the next whole number.
(Ord. 2009-02. Passed 5-11-09.)