(a)   The usage charges of the county for sewer service to a user’s premises connected to the POTW shall be determined by applying the base sewer rate established by the County Agency to the quantity of wastewater discharged from the premises during each billing cycle. If the source of fresh water to a user’s premises is by connection to a public water supply system, the quantity of wastewater discharged from the premises shall be deemed the equivalent of the quantity of fresh water supplied to the premises as measured by the water meter connected to the premises’ water supply line.
   (b)   The usage charges of the county for domestic sewer service to a single-family detached residential dwelling without metered water is a flat rate charge assessed each billing cycle. The flat rate is based on an estimate of the quantity of fresh water supplied to a single-family detached residential dwelling for domestic use during a billing cycle multiplied by the base sewer rate.
   (c)   The usage charges of the county for nondomestic sewer service to a premises without metered water shall be determined by applying the number of residential equivalent units (REUs) assigned to the type or classification of use or uses on the premises by the County Agency to the established flat rate. REUs are factors or multipliers assigned to nondomestic users by type or classification of user, which factors or multipliers are generally accepted and used by water and/or sewer service providers when metering has not been used. The Table of Residential Equivalent Units is published and kept on file by, and available upon request to, the County Agency.
   (d)   If the source of fresh water to a nondomestic user’s premises is by connection to a private well, beginning with new connections to the POTW on and after January 1, 2007, the user must, as a condition of connection to the POTW, install, at the user’s sole expense, a water meter on the water supply line to the premises. The quantity of wastewater discharged from the premises shall be deemed the equivalent of the fresh water supplied to the premises as measured by the water meter connected to the premises’ water supply line.
   (e)   A domestic user or nondomestic user with a premises that was connected to the POTW before January 1, 2007, which premises has its fresh water supplied from a private well without metering its water use may, at any time thereafter, and at the user’s sole expense, install a water meter. The quantity of water measured by the meter shall, from that time forward, be used in determining the quantity of wastewater discharged from the premises.
   (f)   A water meter that has been installed shall not be removed or replaced without the prior approval of the county; nor shall the meter be bypassed, tampered with, or otherwise rendered inoperable or inaccurate in any way by any person. Further, each water meter shall be installed, maintained in good working order, and kept calibrated at all times by the user at the user’s sole expense.
(Ord. 2009-02. Passed 5-11-09.)