(a)   Compliance with Applicable Standards and Requirements. The national categorical pretreatment standards as established for specific industries under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N are hereby made a part of the requirements of this chapter in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations, and are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth in this chapter. A user shall comply with all categorical pretreatment standards and any other pretreatment requirements established under the Act that are applicable to that user. A user shall also comply with all other applicable pretreatment standards and requirements established under this chapter or under state and federal laws and regulations.
   (b)   Deadlines for Compliance. Compliance by existing sources with categorical pretreatment standards shall be within 3 years of the date the standard is effective unless a shorter compliance time is specified by 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N. Existing sources that become industrial users subsequent to promulgation of an applicable categorical pretreatment standard shall be considered existing industrial users except where such sources meet the definition of “new source.” New sources shall install and have in operating condition, and shall start-up all pollution control equipment required to meet applicable pretreatment standards and requirements before beginning to discharge. Within the shortest feasible time (not to exceed 90 days), new sources must meet all applicable pretreatment standards and requirements.
   (c)   Alternative Categorical Limits. Categorical pretreatment standards shall apply to a user subject to categorical standards, unless an enforceable alternative limit to the corresponding national categorical standards is derived using any of the methods specified in MAC R 323.2313 (regarding removal credits, fundamentally different factor variances, net/gross calculations, equivalent mass per day limitations, and combined wastestream formula alternative limitations). The use of any alternative categorical limit shall be subject to the prior approval of the POTW Manager. If local limits are more stringent than derived alternative categorical limits, the local limits shall control.
   (d)   Compliance with Other Applicable Laws and Regulations. Users of the POTW shall comply with all local, state and federal laws and regulations that may apply to their discharges to the POTW, including, but not limited to, Article II, Air Pollution Control, Part 55 of Act 451 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1994 (the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act).
(Ord. 2009-02. Passed 5-11-09.)