§ 227.33 Reports to the Director of Public Health
   (a)   Every person, firm, association or corporation conducting, managing or maintaining a day care center shall report to the Director of Public Health within timelines specified in OAC 3701-3-05. Every person, firm, association or corporation conducting, managing or maintaining a day care center shall report to the Director of Public Health, all cases and suspected cases of contagious diseases, such as smallpox, chickenpox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, mumps, measles, whooping cough, impetigo contagiosa, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, hand, foot and mouth disease, meningitis (bacterial, viral/aseptic), flu, diarrheal diseases, and any other disease classified as communicable in accordance with OAC 3701-3-02. The report shall give the names and addresses of persons so afflicted and all other known facts relating to the case or incident in accordance with OAC 3701-3-03, which may aid in eradicating such diseases.
   (b)   Every person, firm, association or corporation conducting a day care center shall also make out a Monthly Illness Report Form in writing on or before the fifth day of each calendar month, giving a complete record of the operation of the center during the preceding calendar month, showing the number of children admitted, all relevant illnesses, all accidental injuries and deaths, the cause of the same and other information as may be necessary to an intelligent supervision of the center. This report shall be kept in the permanent records of the day care center.
   (c)   All reports required in this section shall be made upon blanks approved by the Director of Public Health and shall be signed by the superintendent or the official in charge. All records placed in permanent files under the requirements of this chapter shall be open to inspection by the Director of Public Health or any officer or employee of the Division of Health designated by the Director of Public Health at any time.
(Ord. No. 1642-12. Passed 12-3-12, eff. 12-6-12; Ord. No. 20-13. Passed 1-7-13, eff. 1-8-13)