Each day care center shall be provided with an isolation room/area of adequate size to provide for the isolation and care of any child having or suspected of having any contagious, infectious, parasitic or communicable disease, pending the examination of such child, and its removal from the day care center. Such isolation room/area shall be completely separated from all other parts of the day care center, and shall be so situated, maintained and equipped as to prevent the communication or spread of any disease from any occupant of such isolation room to other children admitted to or cared for in such day care center. The isolation room shall be equipped with a cot, at a minimum, for children to lie down and rest while being isolated.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
(a) Each day care center shall have a written policy concerning the management of communicable disease for both attendees and staff. This policy shall be available to all parents and guardians of children at the center, each employee of the center and to the director on request. The policy shall include, at a minimum:
(1) The center’s means of training all staff on signs and symptoms of illness and in hand washing and disinfection procedures;
(2) The center’s policy regarding the management of communicable disease among the center’s employees;
(3) The list of symptoms for which a child shall be discharged from the center;
(4) Procedures for isolating and discharging an ill child and policy for readmitting a child;
(5) Location of Ohio department of health “Child Day Care Communicable Disease Chart” which shall be posted in each center;
(6) Procedure for immediate notification of the parent or guardian when a child is exhibiting signs or symptoms of illness or has been exposed to a communicable disease;
(7) The center’s policy for administration of medications to any child at the center;
(8) The center’s policy regarding the care of a mildly ill child.
(b) A daily health check shall be conducted every day to recognize the signs of communicable disease and all results shall be documented and kept on file.
(c) Day care centers shall follow the Ohio Department of Health “Child Day Care Communicable Disease Chart” for appropriate management of suspected illnesses. This chart shall be posted in the day care center.
(d) Any child absent from any day care center for more than three (3) days shall be subjected to a medical examination and proper documentation of said exam shall be presented to the day care center to indicate permission to return to the day care center.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
(a) Each day care center that prepares and/or serves food must post food licenses issued by the Department of Public Health or exemption thereof in a conspicuous place, easily noticed by all who enter the day care center. Current menus for the entire week shall be posted in a conspicuous place and shall reflect all meals, including breakfast, lunch, dinner or supper, and snacks to be served by the center; any substitute foods served shall be from the basic food groups and shall be recorded on the posted menu on the day the substitute food is served. Special efforts should be made to serve healthy food and beverage options to the children.
(b) All food used by the day care center or food provided by the parents of the children shall be stored safely and in a sanitary way. Storage of foods shall meet the requirements of RC Chapter 3732 and any relevant regulations adopted by the public health council. Refrigerators shall be set to hold food at a temperature below forty-one degrees Fahrenheit (41°F). The thermostat shall be in good working condition and accurate.
(c) Fluid milk shall be vitamin D fortified. Low- fat, skim, or dry powdered skim milk shall be vitamin A and D fortified. Prepared baby formula may also be used to feed infants. Breast milk must be labeled with name and date of issue. Refrigerated breast milk must not be kept for more than twenty-four (24) hours. Frozen breast milk may be stored for up to three (3) months. All nipples, bottles and containers of food and drink used in any day care center shall be kept thoroughly clean and capped with plastic tops and labeled with the child’s name at all times.
(d) Parents may provide food for their children at the day care center if the center secures a proper valid food license, the center has a policy which addresses the center’s procedures for providing a meal or snack to a child who comes to the center without food from home, and the center provides parents with nutritional guidelines of what foods must be provided for their children. Parents need to check with the day care center to find out if there are foods or products that are disallowed because a particular child or children at the center may be allergic to that food or product.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
(a) Each day care center and all of the rooms, walls, floors, ceilings, closets, cupboards, stoves, refrigerators, furniture and other appurtenances, shall be kept in a thoroughly clean and sanitary condition at all times, and free from any dangerous, noxious or deleterious substances or conditions.
(b) Furniture, equipment, and materials which are not usable due to breakage or hazards shall be removed immediately and either repaired or discontinued from use.
(c) Washable equipment and furniture shall be cleaned with soap and water at least two (2) times each year. Additionally, any item soiled during daily use by, but not limited to, blood, vomitus, toileting accidents and spills shall immediately be cleaned with soap and water and then disinfected with a germicidal agent. Toys and other items placed in children’s mouths shall be cleaned thoroughly and disinfected with an appropriate germicidal solution and rinsed with water daily and immediately if soiled with blood, feces, urine or vomitus.
(d) All electrical outlets shall be covered to prevent accidents.
(e) If electrical fans are used, they shall have protective coverings, shall not be easily tipped over, and shall be placed so that they are not hazardous to children.
(f) Cleaning equipment shall be stored in a space that is inaccessible to children. Cleaning agents, aerosol cans, or other chemical substances shall be stored in their original containers and/or clearly labeled, and stored in a space that is designated for the storage of such items and that is inaccessible to children.
(g) Blankets and/or sheets belonging to the center used by the children shall be laundered at least every week or more often if soiled. If a blanket and/or sheet is used by a different child, it shall be laundered between uses.
(h) Accumulated trash and garbage shall be stored outside of the outdoor or indoor play area and shall not be accessible to the children.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
First Aid supplies shall be readily available at all times the day care center is in operation. First Aid supplies shall be organized and easily accessible and shall include: one (1) roll of one-half (0.5) inch non- allergenic adhesive tape, one (1) roll of two (2) inch gauze roller bandage, ten (10) individual wrapped sterile gauze squares in various sizes, twenty-five (25) adhesive compresses (band aids), three (3) cotton towels or sheeting, one (1) pair of scissors, assorted sizes of safety pins, one (1) flashlight, one (1) thermometer, one (1) measuring spoon or dosing spoon, tweezers, and one-third (1/3) of a cup of powdered milk for dental first aid. Supplies shall be replaced as they are used, become damaged, or are sterile no longer.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
(a) Each center shall provide each day a balance of both quiet and active play suitable to the age and abilities of the children in care and shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) Homework or individual, small group activities;
(2) Developmentally appropriate enrichment activities;
(3) Child initiated activities and unstructured time periods;
(4) Large muscle and outdoor play activities. In extremely inclement weather, the center shall provide an opportunity for indoor gross motor play such as, but not limited to climbing, jumping, running, or riding wheel toys.
(b) Each center shall make available to the children play materials and equipment for the purpose of implementing program goals and activities. Play materials and equipment shall be suitable to the age levels and abilities of the children attending the center.
(c) Play materials to be used in the center’s program shall be arranged in an orderly manner so that children may select, remove, and replace play materials with a minimum of assistance during appropriate times throughout the daily program.
(d) Each center shall provide durable furniture, such as tables and chairs, for purposes of implementing the program. The furniture shall be child sized or appropriately adapted for use by children.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)