§ 227.23 Sanitary Condition of Day Care Centers
   (a)   Each day care center and all of the rooms, walls, floors, ceilings, closets, cupboards, stoves, refrigerators, furniture and other appurtenances, shall be kept in a thoroughly clean and sanitary condition at all times, and free from any dangerous, noxious or deleterious substances or conditions.
   (b)   Furniture, equipment, and materials which are not usable due to breakage or hazards shall be removed immediately and either repaired or discontinued from use.
   (c)   Washable equipment and furniture shall be cleaned with soap and water at least two (2) times each year. Additionally, any item soiled during daily use by, but not limited to, blood, vomitus, toileting accidents and spills shall immediately be cleaned with soap and water and then disinfected with a germicidal agent. Toys and other items placed in children’s mouths shall be cleaned thoroughly and disinfected with an appropriate germicidal solution and rinsed with water daily and immediately if soiled with blood, feces, urine or vomitus.
   (d)   All electrical outlets shall be covered to prevent accidents.
   (e)   If electrical fans are used, they shall have protective coverings, shall not be easily tipped over, and shall be placed so that they are not hazardous to children.
   (f)   Cleaning equipment shall be stored in a space that is inaccessible to children. Cleaning agents, aerosol cans, or other chemical substances shall be stored in their original containers and/or clearly labeled, and stored in a space that is designated for the storage of such items and that is inaccessible to children.
   (g)   Blankets and/or sheets belonging to the center used by the children shall be laundered at least every week or more often if soiled. If a blanket and/or sheet is used by a different child, it shall be laundered between uses.
   (h)   Accumulated trash and garbage shall be stored outside of the outdoor or indoor play area and shall not be accessible to the children.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)