238.01   Definitions
238.02   Sanitization After COVID-19 Positive Employee
238.03   Civil Penalties and Enforcement
238.04   Appeals
238.05   Expiration
   Facial coverings and social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, CO Ch. 602
   Passenger facial coverings in vehicles for hire during the COVID-19 pandemic, CO 437.30
   Requirements to implement Dine Safe Ohio order, CO Ch. 236
§ 238.01 Definitions
   (a)   "Covered businesses" include any for-profit, non-profit, educational entities, or government entities (other than federal) regardless of the nature of service, the function it performs, or its corporate or entity structure and does not include schools, as defined in division (e) of Section 602.01 of the Cleveland Codified Ordinances, or jails or prison facilities.
   (b)   "Sanitize" means to perform environmental cleaning consistent with the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for cleaning and disinfecting for COVID-19, which cleaning includes using cleaning agents that are known to kill the coronavirus on all surfaces, including, without limitation, workstations, countertops, railings, door handles, equipment, machinery, work tools, walls, and barriers.
(Ord. No. 556-2020. Passed 7-15-20, eff. 7-15-20)
§ 238.02 Sanitization After COVID-19 Positive Employee
   (a)   If any covered business learns that one of its employees tests positive for COVID-19 and that employee was present in the business while symptomatic, that business shall sanitize as described in division (b) of Section 238.01 before that covered business may be open to the public.
   (b)   No covered business shall open to the public until it completes the sanitization required in division (a) of this Section.
(Ord. No. 556-2020. Passed 7-15-20, eff. 7-15-20)