No day care center shall be opened, maintained or conducted in the City of Cleveland without a written permit having been first issued by the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses. No person, firm or corporation shall open, maintain, conduct or assist in the opening, maintenance or conduct of a day care center in the City, except after a permit has been issued, and then only in full compliance with all the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
(a) Any person, firm, association or corporation desiring a permit to open, maintain and conduct a day care center shall make written application to the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses, and that application shall state the name and residence of the applicant, and if the applicant is a corporation or association, the name and residence of all the officers; the present or proposed location of the day care center; the purpose for which it is to be opened, maintained or conducted; the accommodations provided for the children to be admitted to the day care center; the name and address of the superintendent or of the person or persons to be in charge; and other information as the Commissioner may request.
(b) Permits for the calendar year following the year in which the application is being made shall be accepted no earlier than November 1.
(Ord. No. 1642-12. Passed 12-3-12, eff. 12-6-12; Ord. No. 20-13. Passed 1-7-13, eff. 1-8-13)
The Director of Public Health, after a day care application is made, shall make or cause to be made a strict investigation of the statements and information contained in the application, and a thorough inspection of the premises intended to be used for the day care center.
(Ord. No. 1642-12. Passed 12-3-12, eff. 12-6-12; Ord. No. 20-13. Passed 1-7-13, eff. 1-8-13)
(a) If the Director of Public Health finds that the statements in the application are correct; that the premises intended to be used as a day care center are suitably located for a day care center and adequately equipped with all necessary heating, ventilating and sanitary devices to ensure the health and well-being of the children to be admitted to the day care center; that the application is made in good faith for the care and betterment of the children; that the superintendent or person to be in charge of the day care center is of good moral character and of sufficient knowledge, experience and ability to properly conduct, manage and maintain the day care center; that the proposed day care center and the premises occupied by the same comply in all respects with the requirements of this chapter; then, but not otherwise, the Director of Public Health shall recommend to the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses in writing, that a license be issued. The Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses shall issue or cause to be issued a permit authorizing the applicant or applicants in question to open and conduct a day care center at the place specified, which permit shall state the maximum number of children that may be admitted to or cared for in the day care center at one (1) time. The fee to be paid annually to the City Treasurer for the permit shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) and no permit shall be issued except upon payment of the fee. Every permit issued under this section shall expire on December 31 of the year in which it is issued, and no second or succeeding permit shall be issued to any person, firm, association, or corporation, except after a reinspection of the premises, as provided for in the case of the issuance of an original permit.
(b) Upon full payment of a day care permit to the City Treasurer, the City's Building Department shall verify through its records, that the location has a valid certificate of occupancy. The Division of Fire and the Division of Health shall also conduct an annual inspection after payment is received by the City Treasurer. Upon certification that the day care center is in full compliance by the City's Building Department, the Division of Fire and the Division of Health, the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses shall issue a permit to operate.
(Ord. No. 1642-12. Passed 12-3-12, eff. 12-6-12; Ord. No. 20-13. Passed 1-7-13, eff. 1-8-13)
Each day care center shall post in a public area a valid state and city license to operate a day care facility. Both licenses shall be located in an area that is easily noticed upon inspection. Upon change of ownership or upon change of address, day care centers must reapply to the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses for a new city license in order to maintain the validity of the license.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)