(a) Parents and Guardians of children at day care centers shall be provided with written information concerning the program and activities of the center. The information shall include the following:
(1) The center’s name, address and telephone number;
(2) That the center is licensed to operate legally and the number of children and the age categories the center is licensed to serve;
(3) That the state department of Job and Family services issues the center a license which is posted in a conspicuous place for review;
(4) That the law and rules governing child day care are available at the center for review upon request;
(5) That the department of Job and Family Services’ toll-free number is available, and any person may use it to report a suspected violation by the center;
(6) That the administrator and each employee of the center are required under Ohio law to report their suspicions of child abuse or child neglect;
(7) That any custodial parent, custodian, or guardian of a child enrolled in a center shall be permitted unlimited access to the center during its hours of operation for the purpose of contacting their children, evaluating the care provided by the center or evaluating the premises. Upon entering the premises, the custodial parent, custodian, or guardian shall notify the administrator of his or her presence;
(8) That rosters of names and telephone numbers of parents, custodians, or guardians of children attending the center are available on request. Parents shall be notified that the rosters shall not include the name or telephone number of any parent, custodian, or guardian who requests the administrator not include his or her name or telephone number;
(9) That the center’s licensing record including, but not limited to, compliance report forms from the department and evaluation forms from the health, building, and fire departments that inspected the center, is available on request from the department;
(10) That it is unlawful to discriminate in the enrollment of children upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin;
(11) That it is unlawful to smoke on the premises during the Center’s hours of operation and all Centers shall comply with Ohio laws and regulations regarding smoking.
(b) Parents and Guardians of children at day care centers shall be provided with written information concerning the center’s program including, at a minimum:
(1) Day and hours of operation;
(2) The maximum number of children per staff member allowed;
(3) A sample of the daily program schedule for the group of children in which the child will receive care.
(c) Parents and Guardians of children at day care centers shall be provided with written information concerning the center’s policies concerning:
(1) Discipline and safety;
(2) The serving of meals and snacks;
(3) Emergencies, accidents, management of communicable illnesses and administration of medications;
(4) Fees, registration, rebates, overtime charges, and permanent withdrawals;
(5) The release of the child from the center to any other person other than the custodial parent or guardian;
(6) The transportation of children including, but not limited to, transportation of a child to the source of emergency medical care or emergency dental care and transportation for routine trips, field trips, or special outings;
(7) The center’s plan for parental participation;
(8) The center’s plan for the supervision of children.
(d) A copy of the policies stated above must be kept on file at the day care center and is subject to inspection by the City of Cleveland.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
(a) The residential parent, custodian, or guardian of a child enrolled in a day care center shall be permitted unlimited access to the center during its hours of operation for the purposes of contacting the child, evaluating the care provided by the center, evaluating the premises of the center, or for other purposes approved by the director. Upon entering the premises, the residential parent, custodian, or guardian shall notify the administrator or his or her designee of his or her presence.
(b) A parent of a child enrolled in a day care center that is not the child’s residential parent shall be permitted unlimited access to the center during its hours of operation for those purposes and conditions under which the residential parent of that child is permitted access to the center. However, the access of the parent who is not the residential parent is subject to and limited by any agreement between parents and, to the extent described in RC Chapter 5104, is subject to and limited by any terms or conditions limiting the right of access of the parent who is not the residential parent, as described in RC 3109.051, that are contained in a visitation order or decree issued under that section, RC 3109.11 or RC 3109.12, or any other provision of the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
(a) All rooms in a day care center shall be adequately heated and ventilated, and no room shall be used for day care center purposes unless the same has windows opening on a public thoroughfare, or a yard or court not less than ten (10) feet wide, which windows shall have a total glass and sash area equivalent to one-eighth (1/8) of the total floor area of the room.
(b) Each room used for day care center purposes shall be properly ventilated and no day care center shall be operated or conducted unless it is provided with a heating apparatus approved by the Commissioner of Health and installed in conformity with law and ordinance, sufficient to maintain a temperature of not less than sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit (68°F), at all times in all parts of the day care center to which children are admitted.
(c) All doors, windows and other outside openings of any day care center shall be adequately provided with screens from May 15 to November 15 of each year while the day care center is in operation, so as to prevent the entrance of flies into the day care center. Each day care center shall be kept and maintained free from flies and other insects.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
(a) The day care center shall have, for each child for whom the center is licensed, at least thirty-five (35) square feet of usable indoor floor space wall-to-wall regularly available for the child care operation exclusive of any parts of the structure in which the care of children is prohibited by law or by rules adopted by the board of building standards.
(b) Each bed or crib shall be so placed at all times as to provide a space of not less than one (1) foot on all sides around such bed or crib, except where the bed or crib may be in contact with a wall. Nothing contained in this chapter, however, shall prevent the installation of sectional metal beds of the type and construction approved by the Commissioner of Health.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
No room shall be used for day care center purposes unless the floor is above ground level, except if the Commissioner of Health and the Division of Fire shall upon a full examination of such room pronounce the same safe, healthful and sanitary.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
(a) Each day care center shall have on the site a safe outdoor play space which is enclosed by a fence or otherwise protected from traffic or other hazards. The play space shall contain not less than sixty (60) square feet per child using such space at any one time, and shall provide an opportunity for supervised outdoor play each day in suitable weather. The Commissioner of Health may exempt a center from the requirement if an outdoor play space is not available and if all of the following are met:
(1) The center provides an indoor recreation area that has not less than sixty (60) square feet per child using the space at any one time, that has a minimum of one thousand four hundred forty (1, 440) square feet of space, and that is separate from the indoor space required under Section 227.12 of this section;
(2) The Commissioner of Health has determined that there is regularly available and scheduled for use a conveniently accessible and safe park, playground, or similar outdoor play area for play or recreation;
(3) The children are closely supervised during play and while traveling to and from the area.
(b) Stationary outdoor equipment such as, but not limited to, climbing gyms, swings or slides, shall be placed out of the path of the main traffic pattern in the yard and shall be securely anchored unless portable by design.
(c) Outdoor play surfaces shall be maintained daily and shall be kept free of hazards and debris.
(d) Wading pools shall be filtered, emptied, or drained daily. When not in use, the pools shall be stored or otherwise made inaccessible to children.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
Each day care center, every part of a day care center, and all areas appurtenant to a day care center, shall be kept in a clean, sanitary and healthful condition, free from dangerous or noxious substances of any kind, or any conditions that may, in the judgment of the Commissioner of Health, tend to injure the physical or moral well-being of the children admitted or cared for in the day care center. No dry dusting or sweeping shall be done in any day care center while children are cared for in the day care center. No spraying of pesticides shall be done in any day care center while children are cared for in the day care center.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)