227.01 Definition
227.02 Permit Required
227.03 Permit Application
227.04 Inquiry Preliminary to Granting Permit
227.05 Conditions on Which Permit is Granted; Fee
227.06 Posting of Valid State and City Licenses; Change of Ownership or Change of Address
227.07 Right of Entry; Revocation of Permit
227.08 Staff Requirements
227.09 Admission Policies and Procedures
227.10 Parental or Guardian Access
227.11 Ventilation, Light, Heat and Screening
227.12 Floor Space
227.13 Rooms Above Ground Level
227.14 Outdoor Play Space and Playgrounds
227.15 Premises to be Kept Clean
227.16 Bedding
227.17 Care of Children’s Clothing and Diapering
227.18 Use of Common Items Prohibited
227.19 Toilet Facilities
227.20 Isolation Room or Area
227.21 Communicable Disease
227.22 Care and Selection of Food
227.23 Sanitary Condition of Day Care Centers
227.24 First Aid Supplies
227.25 Program and Equipment
227.26 Medical Examination Before Admission; Contagious Disease
227.27 Overcrowding and Children per Staff Member Ratio
227.28 Discipline of Children
227.29 Safety Policies
227.30 Child Enrollment, Attendance and Medical Records
227.31 Administration of Medications and Supplements
227.32 Medical and Dental Emergency Procedures
227.33 Reports to the Director of Public Health
227.34 Appeal
227.35 Violations
227.99 Penalty
Venting heaters and burners, CO 629.01
Venting heaters and burners, CO 629.01
Statutory reference:
Building, fire prevention and food service requirements, RC 5104.05
Inspections, RC 5104.04
Licensing provisions, RC 5104.02 et seq.
Building, fire prevention and food service requirements, RC 5104.05
Inspections, RC 5104.04
Licensing provisions, RC 5104.02 et seq.
As used in this chapter, “Day Care Center” means an institution or place in which seven (7) or more children not of common parentage, are received for periods of not less than four (4) hours, nor more than twenty-four (24) hours at one time, for care apart from their parents, whether for compensation, reward or otherwise.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)
No day care center shall be opened, maintained or conducted in the City of Cleveland without a written permit having been first issued by the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses. No person, firm or corporation shall open, maintain, conduct or assist in the opening, maintenance or conduct of a day care center in the City, except after a permit has been issued, and then only in full compliance with all the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 924-09. Passed 8-5-09, eff. 8-13-09)