§ 3103.01 Powers and Duties of Director of Building and Housing
   (a)   General Duties. The Director of Building and Housing with the assistance of officials of the divisions of the City having jurisdiction, is hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of OBC and this Building code, to administer and direct the Department of Building and Housing and to establish policies, procedures and standards for its efficient operation, to review plans and specifications, to issue building permits and certificates, to conduct inspections, to issue rules and regulations for the operation of the Department consistent with OBC and this Building Code, to maintain records and make reports, and to perform such other duties and services as may be necessary to execute the provisions of OBC and this Building Code, and be consistent herewith, or as may be imposed upon the Director by law or by ordinance or by direction of the Mayor.
   (b)   Deputy. The Director shall designate as his or her deputy a qualified person who shall exercise all powers of the Director during his or her absence or disability. The Deputy Director shall be appointed and may be removed by the Director in accordance with the Civil Service provisions of the charter.
   (c)   Records. The Director shall keep, or cause to be kept, permanent, accurate records of all of the business of the Department. The records of the Department shall be open to public inspection during business hours as designated therefore by the Director.
   (d)   Acknowledgements and Reports. The Director shall promptly acknowledge receipt of all official communications, notices and reports. The Director shall prepare annual reports as mandated or required by the Mayor.
   (e)   Cooperation of Other City Departments. The officials of other City departments and divisions having jurisdiction or control of construction, use or occupancy under the provisions of this Building Code or under other applicable laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations, shall cooperate and assist in the enforcement of the provisions of OBC or this Building Code. Any City employee empowered to make inspections of buildings, structures or premises, shall promptly report to the administrative officer having jurisdiction any violation of OBC or this Building Code perceived in the performance of his or her duties.
   Any administrative officer directed or empowered to act under any provision of OBC or this Building Code shall act promptly, and without unnecessary delay.
   (f)   Authority to Act. Whenever in OBC or this Building Code an Administrative Officer is directed or empowered to perform duties or exercise authority it shall be interpreted to mean such administrative officer or his or her duly authorized representative or inspector.
   (g)   Authorizing Procedures for Fire Insurance Proceeds. The City of Cleveland adopts and accepts the provisions and procedures set forth in RC 3929.86, particularly divisions (c) and (d), providing for the transfer and receipt of portions of fire insurance proceeds. The Director of Building and Housing is designated as the officer of the City of Cleveland to carry out the duties under that Section. The fire insurance proceeds received shall be placed in Fund No. 80 SF 085 to be used for demolition, boarding up, repairing, or otherwise securing of properties. As stated in the relevant provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, excess funds shall be returned to the insured when repair, removal, or securing of the building or structure has been performed by the City or completed by another entity. For purposes of this section, repair, removal or securing is not completed until the structure or building is demolished or able to be occupied for its intended and legal use as verified by the Director of Building and Housing.
(Ord. No. 951-04. Passed 10-11-04, eff. 10-13-04)