2.72.020   Declaration of policy.
   The personnel policy of the city is hereby declared to be as follows:
   A.   Employment in the city government shall be based on merit and fitness;
   B.   Just and equitable incentives and conditions of employment shall be established and maintained to promote efficiency and economy in the operation of the city government;
   C.   Positions having similar duties and responsibilities shall be classified and compensated on a uniform basis;
   D.   Appointments, promotions and other actions requiring the application of the merit principle should be based on systematic tests or other appropriate evaluations;
   E.   High morale shall be maintained by fair administration of this chapter and by every consideration of the rights and interests of employees consistent with the best interests of the public and the city; and
   F.   Employment shall be subject to the good behavior and satisfactory performance of work by the employee, and to the necessity for the performance of work and the availability of funds by the city.
(Prior code §2.75 (Ord. 669))