It shall be the duty of the comptroller to attend in person or by his representative all sales of property to enforce the collection of special assessments and to do any of the following:
(1) In default of other bidders, to bid thereat in behalf of the city;
(2) Withdraw from collection at such sale any special assessment or installment thereof levied by the city on any lot, parcel of land, or property subject to sale;
(3) Permit any such lot, parcel of land, or property to be forfeited to the state.
In all cases where the city has become a purchaser at any such sale the comptroller is authorized to sell or otherwise dispose of the city's interest in the property purchased for not less than the amount bid in behalf of the city, together with interest thereon at six percent per annum from the date of sale, and all fees, costs, charges and expenses of securing certificate of sale and tax deed. In all cases where any special assessment or installment thereof has been withdrawn from collection or property has been forfeited at any such sale on account of any delinquent special assessment or installment thereof, the comptroller is authorized to collect such delinquent special assessment or installment thereof, together with interest, penalties, costs, and fees due thereon and to waive any penalties for the first year in excess of seven percent and when such collection has been made to issue a proper receipt of deposit for redemption. A fee of $2.00 shall be charged for each estimate of redemption furnished, if based on a tax search, except for an estimate furnished to any municipality. Such estimate may include all lots, parcels of land, or property in the same block and in one ownership or any number of contiguous lots, parcels of land, or property in the same block in more than one ownership.
In all cases where the city has become a purchaser at any tax sale for the nonpayment of general taxes and water taxes, the comptroller is hereby authorized to dispose of the city's interest in the property purchased for not less than the amount bid together with all costs and expenses.
(Prior code § 7-56)
The comptroller is hereby authorized to make settlement of special assessment tax claims during the annual vacation periods of the city council, for not less than 75 percent of the total city claims in cases where property is overburdened with tax claims, liens and mortgages, provided each settlement shall be approved by the chairman of the committee on finance.
(Prior code § 7-57)
The City of Chicago, acting by its city council, may, from time to time, borrow money for proper public purposes and in evidence of such borrowing, issue its general obligation bonds payable from ad valorem taxes to be levied without limitation as to rate or amount, against all taxable property situated within the city. Such bonds may be issued without the submission of the question to their issuance to the electors of the city for their approval and the procedures for the issuance of such bonds shall be substantially as herein provided in Sections 2-32-680 through 2-32-750 of this chapter.
(Prior code § 7-58)
The city council shall adopt an ordinance (hereinafter designated the "bond ordinance") describing the public purpose or purposes to be served by such borrowing and in such bond ordinance shall make a finding and determination that such borrowing of money is necessary for the welfare of the government and affairs of the city, is for a proper public purpose or purposes and is in the public interest, which finding and determination shall be deemed conclusive.
Prior to the adoption of any such bond ordinance, a public hearing shall be held thereon by the finance committee of the city council, provided that no approval of projects to be permanently financed thereby shall be necessary if such projects have been theretofore approved by the finance committee and the city council, and finance wholly or in part through the issuance of interim notes pursuant to Sections 2-32-900 through 2-32-940 of this chapter, pursuant to a notice given of such public hearing, such notice to refer generally to the subject matter of the ordinance and to be published at least once in a newspaper published in and having a general circulation within the City of Chicago, the date of such publication to be not less than ten days prior to the date of the public hearing.
(Prior code § 7-59)