* Editor's note – Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. I, § 2, repealed former Ch. 2-80, which pertained to the department of revenue.
2-80-010 Definitions.
2-80-020 Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability – Establishment.
2-80-030 Commission – Purpose.
2-80-040 Commission – Composition and qualifications.
2-80-050 Commission – Powers and duties.
2-80-060 Commission – Meetings.
2-80-070 District Councils – Establishment, purpose, composition and duties.
2-80-080 Superintendent, Chief Administrator and Police Board – Selection; appointment.
2-80-090 Superintendent, Police Board and Chief Administrator – Vote of no confidence; removal.
2-80-100 Superintendent, Chief Administrator and Police Board President – Performance reviews.
2-80-110 Department, COPA and Police Board policymaking.
2-80-120 Access to records.
2-80-130 Reports.
2-80-140 Duty of cooperation.
2-80-150 Retaliation, obstruction or interference prohibited – Penalty.
2-80-160 Budget and staffing.
2-80-170 Review.
2-80-180 Collective bargaining rights.
2-80-190 Consent decree – Update and public input.
The following terms whenever used in this Chapter shall have the following meanings unless a different meaning appears from the context:
"Chief Administrator" means the Chief Administrator of COPA.
"Commission" means the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability established in this Chapter.
"Consent Decree" means the Consent Decree entered into between the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago on January 31, 2019 (17-cv-6260), as amended or supplemented from time to time by order of the U.S. District Court.
"COPA" means the Civilian Office of Police Accountability established in Chapter 2-78.
"Department" means the Department of Police established in Chapter 2-84.
"District" means one of the 22 Department districts.
"Inspector General" means the Office of Inspector General established in Chapter 2-56.
"Just Cause" means any egregious act or omission, including but not limited to gross misconduct or criminal conduct, which impairs the individual's ability to fulfill their duties and obligations.
"Nominating Committee" means the nominating committee that is comprised of one member from each District as determined pursuant to subsection (g) of Section 2-80-070, to fill existing and anticipated vacancies on the Commission.
"North Side" means the following Community Areas, as utilized by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, collectively: Community Area 1 (Rogers Park), Community Area 2 (West Ridge), Community Area 3 (Uptown), Community Area 4 (Lincoln Square), Community Area 5 (North Center), Community Area 6 (Lake View), Community Area 7 (Lincoln Park), Community Area 8 (Near North Side), Community Area 9 (Edison Park), Community Area 10 (Norwood Park), Community Area 11 (Jefferson Park), Community Area 12 (Forest Glen), Community Area 13 (North Park), Community Area 14 (Albany Park), Community Area 15 (Portage Park), Community Area 16 (Irving Park), Community Area 17 (Dunning), Community Area 18 (Montclare), Community Area 19 (Belmont Cragin), Community Area 20 (Hermosa), Community Area 21 (Avondale), Community Area 22 (Logan Square), Community Area 32 (Loop), Community Area 76 (O'Hare), and Community Area 77 (Edgewater).
"Police Board" means the Police Board established in Chapter 2-84.
"Policy" means any Department general order, COPA policy, or Police Board policy, to the extent that any said policy is not covered by or in the jurisdiction of the Consent Decree or otherwise identified by the U.S. District Court as falling within the scope of the Independent Monitor's mandate. "Policy" does not include the allocation or deployment of Department personnel or resources to address public safety or other matters affecting the day-to-day operation of the Department, COPA, or the Police Board.
"Public Safety Inspector General" means the Deputy Inspector General for Public Safety established in Chapter 2-56.
"South Side" means the following Community Areas, as utilized by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, collectively: Community Area 33 (Near South Side), Community Area 34 (Armour Square), Community Area 35 (Douglas), Community Area 36 (Oakland), Community Area 37 (Fuller Park), Community Area 38 (Grand Boulevard), Community Area 39 (Kenwood), Community Area 40 (Washington Park), Community Area 41 (Hyde Park), Community Area 42 (Woodlawn), Community Area 43 (South Shore), Community Area 44 (Chatham), Community Area 45 (Avalon Park), Community Area 46 (South Chicago), Community Area 47 (Burnside), Community Area 48 (Calumet Heights), Community Area 49 (Roseland), Community Area 50 (Pullman), Community Area 51 (South Deering), Community Area 52 (East Side), Community Area 53 (West Pullman), Community Area 54 (Riverdale), Community Area 55 (Hegewisch), Community Area 56 (Garfield Ridge), Community Area 57 (Archer Heights), Community Area 58 (Brighton Park), Community Area 59 (McKinley Park), Community Area 60 (Bridgeport), Community Area 61 (New City), Community Area 62 (West Elsdon), Community Area 63 (Gage Park), Community Area 64 (Clearing), Community Area 65 (West Lawn), Community Area 66 (Chicago Lawn), Community Area 67 (West Englewood), Community Area 68 (Englewood), Community Area 69 (Greater Grand Crossing), Community Area 70 (Ashburn), Community Area 71 (Auburn Gresham), Community Area 72 (Beverly), Community Area 73 (Washington Heights), Community Area 74 (Mount Greenwood), and Community Area 75 (Morgan Park).
"Superintendent" means the Superintendent of Police.
"West Side" means the following Community Areas, as utilized by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, collectively: Community Area 23 (Humboldt Park), Community Area 24 (West Town), Community Area 25 (Austin), Community Area 26 (West Garfield Park), Community Area 27 (East Garfield Park), Community Area 28 (Near West Side), Community Area 29 (North Lawndale), Community Area 30 (South Lawndale), and Community Area 31 (Lower West Side).
(Added Coun. J. 7-21-21, p. 33219, § 2)
There is hereby established a commission to be known as the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability, which shall include Commissioners and non-voting staff, including an Executive Director, and such deputies, assistants, and other employees, as may be provided for in the annual appropriation ordinance, and as required to implement the Commission's powers and duties. The Commission will adopt rules and procedures for the conduct of its business, and may establish any committees deemed necessary for the conduct of its business. The Executive Director shall administer the affairs of the Commission, hire and supervise Commission staff, and exercise such additional powers as may be conferred by, and are within the jurisdiction of, the Commission and consistent with applicable law. The Mayor shall appoint the first Executive Director, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission established in Section 2-80-040(c)(4) or established pursuant to Section 2-80-040(d). Any subsequent Executive Director shall be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Commission.
(Added Coun. J. 7-21-21, p. 33219, § 2)
The purpose of the Commission is to:
(1) increase public safety;
(2) ensure that Department activities are directed toward maximizing public health and safety while minimizing any harm to City residents;
(3) build trust and improve interactions between and among the Department and the people it serves;
(4) ensure that Department policies and practices are rooted in community needs and public input;
(5) increase public support for Department policies and practices;
(6) ensure that Department resources are not used inefficiently to address public health or safety issues that other professionals are better equipped to address;
(7) encourage preventative, proactive, community-based, and evidence-based approaches to public safety;
(8) increase transparency and public input into Department operations, policies, and performance;
(9) provide the residents of every Chicago community with meaningful opportunities to shape Department policies and practices that affect their lives;
(10) help to bring the City into compliance with the Consent Decree as soon as is practicable;
(11) increase efficiency in the use of public safety resources; and
(12) increase public accountability of the Department, COPA, and the Police Board.
(Added Coun. J. 7-21-21, p. 33219, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-7-22, p. 54984, § 4)