4-284-040 Disclosures by applicant.
   A.   Each applicant shall file with the cable administrator a written statement by the applicant or by an authorized officer of the applicant, publicly disclosing the following information:
      1.   The name, mailing address, email address, and business phone number of each spokesperson for the applicant; the capacity (e.g., public relations attorney) in which each acts as spokesperson; and the amounts of all compensation paid to or reasonably expected by each spokesperson (whether or not formal billing or payment has yet occurred) for services rendered or to be rendered as a spokesperson for the applicant with respect to any matter relating to Chicago Cable Communications at any time during the application period;
      2.   All expenditures by or on behalf of the applicant at any time during the application period, itemized by categories and amount, as specified in forms provided by the cable administrator;
      3.   All information concerning ownership of the applicant as requested by the city. Such ownership information shall include disclosure of owners, including any beneficiary or beneficiaries of any trust or similar entity, and disclosure of principals whenever any ownership interest is held by an agent or nominee;
      4.   The identities of all city employees, and immediate family members of city employees, family members of city representatives, and persons with whom a city representative maintains a close economic association, who have or at any time during the application period, have had an interest in the applicant; and the nature and amount of each such interest. For the purpose of this subsection, city employee and city representative shall include members of boards or commissions whose duties and responsibilities are part-time in nature;
      5.   All communications by or on behalf of the applicant with any city representative, family member or person with whom a city representative maintains a close economic association, at any time during the application period, whether or not restricted by the provisions of Section 4-284-090 of this chapter. The written statement disclosing such communications shall include the following information:
         (a)   The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom the communication was made;
         (b)   The date, time, and duration of the communication and the circumstances (such as telephone conversation or meeting) under which it was made;
         (c)   A brief statement describing any oral communications;
         (d)   A copy of any written materials which were the subject of the communication.
   B.   Such disclosure statements shall be filed on or before the date the applicant first applies for a franchise or transfer of ownership. These statements shall cover the time from the beginning of the application period up to the date of the disclosure statement. Additional statements supplementing the information initially filed shall be filed on the last day of each month until the award of any franchise, or the approval of transfer of ownership of a franchise, for which the applicant applied. An applicant need not file such monthly supplemental statement if there has been no change in the information initially filed.
   C.   Each applicant shall make disclosures, consistent with the provisions and intent of this ordinance, regarding changes of ownership interests, spokespersons, expenditures, and any other matter relating to cable communications, on forms provided by the cable administrator. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the cable administrator from requiring disclosure of information in addition to that needed to comply with the terms of this ordinance.
(Prior code § 113.2-4; Amend Coun. J. 6-20-84, p. 7810; Amend Coun. J. 5-16-90, p. 15716; Amend Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 11-17-10, p. 106597, Art. VIII, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 4-24-12, p. 23998, § 1)