4-224-002 Definitions.
4-224-004 Manufacturing license – Required.
4-224-006 License – Application.
4-224-008 License – Fee.
4-224-010 Reserved.
4-224-011 Location restrictions.
4-224-012 Noise restrictions.
4-224-013 Operation at night restricted.
4-224-020 Sanitary requirements.
4-224-021 Hazardous materials – Duties – Prohibited acts.
4-224-030 Inspections.
4-224-450 Violation – Penalty.
Whenever used in this chapter:
(a) "Manufacturing establishment" means any place or establishment where a mechanical or chemical process is used to transform or assemble materials or substances into an article of tangible personal property with a different form, use or name, regardless of whether the new product is finished and ready for utilization or consumption; or semifinished and ready to become a raw material for an establishment engaged in further manufacturing. A manufacturing establishment shall include but not be limited to a drug, chemical or paint factory; a foundry; a machine shop; and a roofing or paving materials factory. In no case shall a manufacturing establishment include a place or establishment where the manufacturing process is an accessory use of the business being conducted, nor shall it include a wholesale food establishment.
(b) "Accessory use" means the production, processing, cleaning, servicing, altering, testing, repair, or storage of merchandise normally incidental to a retail service or business use if conducted by the same ownership as the principal use.
(c) "Drug, chemical or paint factory" means any factory, building, place or establishment where soda, soda ash, salt, sal soda, bicarbonate of soda, caustic soda, alcohol, ether, essential oils, carbonic acid, gas, chlorine, aniline, benzine, perfumes, toilet preparations, coal-tar chemicals, inks, dyes, bluing, washing powders, lye boiler compounds, disinfectants, fertilizers, insect powders, condition powders, furniture polish, shoe polish, metal polish, cleaning compounds, photographic chemicals, glycerine, drugs, medicines, ointments, proprietary or patent medicines, paints, pigments, linseed oil, turpentine, drying oils, paint removers, shellac, varnish, enamels, calcimine, wallpaper cleaners, putty or any other chemicals, paints, oils, medicines, drugs or similar materials or preparations are made, manufactured, mixed, compounded, purified or prepared; provided, however, that this shall not apply to wholesale drugstores or other establishments specifically defined and licensed by other provisions of this Code.
(d) "Foundry" means any place or establishment where iron, copper, brass, zinc, lead, aluminum, bronze alloys or any other metal or metals are poured, molded or cast for building, agricultural, mechanical or other industrial or commercial purposes.
(e) "Machine shop" means a workshop in which machines are made, or where parts of machines, or tools, implements, gears, dies, screws or other metal articles are cut, filed, shaped, punched, or stamped by means of a lathe or other machinery.
(f) "Roofing or paving materials factory" means any premises, building or structure where the business of boiling, distilling, mixing or otherwise changing the form of crude asphalt, crude tar, coal-gas byproducts, with or without other materials for roofing, paving or similar uses, is carried on. The byproducts of such boiling, distilling or other process in the manufacture of roofing or paving materials shall be considered as incidental to and a part of such manufacture for the purposes of this chapter.
(g) "Wholesale food establishment" means any place used for the preparation, manufacture, canning, baking, bottling, packing, distribution, storage, selling or offering for sale at wholesale any article of food, packaged or unpackaged, drink or ice used or intended for human consumption, or any such article which is an ingredient of, used for, mixed with or which enters into the composition of any such food, confection, baked goods, condiments, drink or ice.
(Added Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
An application for said license shall be made in conformity with the general requirements of this Code relating to applications for licenses; and with the particular requirements for each manufacturing establishment to be performed under the license as set forth in the relevant sections of the code governing the particular establishment.
(Added Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
The fee for each manufacturing license shall be as set forth in Section 4-5-010.
(Added Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616; Amend Coun. J. 11-15-06, p. 92532, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-13-10, p. 83191, § 1)