4-224-020 Sanitary requirements.
   No owner, proprietor, lessee, manager or superintendent of any manufacturing establishment where workmen and workwomen are employed for wages shall cause, permit or allow the same or any portion or apartment of, or any room in such manufacturing establishment, to be overcrowded or inadequate, faulty or insufficient in respect of light, ventilation, heat or cleanliness.
   In every such building or apartment, or room in any such building, where one or more persons are employed as aforesaid, at least 500 feet of air space shall be allowed to each person employed therein, and fresh air shall be supplied by ventilation at the rate of four complete changes of air per hour during the hours of employment. No part of such air supply shall be taken from any cellar or basement.
   All such places shall be kept in a clean condition, free from the effluvia of a sewer, drain, privy, stable or other nuisance; also free as far as practicable from all gases, vapors, dust or other impurities generated by manufacturing processes or otherwise which are injurious to health.
   Sufficient toilet facilities shall be provided for employees meeting the applicable requirements of Chapter 18-29, and such facilities shall be properly ventilated.
(Added Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616; Amend Coun. J. 3-28-18, p. 74459, Art. IV, § 2)