2-120-740 Alteration, relocation or demolition of landmarks – Permit review requirements.
   No permit for alteration, construction, reconstruction, erection, demolition, relocation, or other work, shall be issued to any applicant by any department of the City of Chicago without the written approval of the commission for any area, place, building, structure, work of art or other object for which the commission has made a preliminary recommendation for landmark status or which has been designated as a "Chicago Landmark" in the following instances: (1) where such permit would allow the alteration or reconstruction of or addition to any improvement which constitutes all or a part of a landmark or proposed landmark; or (2) where such permit would allow the demolition of any improvement which constitutes all or a part of a landmark or proposed landmark; or (3) where a permit would allow the construction or erection of any addition to any improvement or the erection of any new structure or improvement on any land within a landmark district; or (4) where a permit would allow the construction or erection of any sign or billboard within the public view which may be placed on, in, or immediately adjacent to any improvement which constitutes all or part of any landmark or proposed landmark. Any city department which receives an application for a permit as defined in this section shall forward the application, including copies of all detailed plans, designs, elevations, specifications, and documents relating thereto, to the commission within seven days of receipt thereof. It shall be a violation of this ordinance for an owner to perform, authorize or allow work or other acts requiring review without a permit.
(Prior code § 21-77; Added Coun. J. 3-11-87, p. 40272; Amend Coun. J. 2-26-97, p. 40085)