2-120-840 Economic hardship exception – Public hearing.
   The commission shall schedule and hold a public hearing on the application for an economic hardship exception within 30 days from receipt of the application. Notice of the date, time, place and subject matter of the hearing shall be provided in accordance with Section 2-120-670 and, in addition, shall be provided in writing to all persons who presented testimony at the public hearing on the permit application under Section 2-120-800. The hearing shall be concluded within 90 days after the application for exception has been received by the commission. All interested persons shall be allowed to participate in the hearing as provided in Section 2-120-680. The commission or the hearing officer may solicit expert testimony or relevant information from the applicant. A record of the proceedings shall be kept by the commission.
(Prior code § 21-87: Added Coun. J. 3-11-87, p. 40272)