2-120-610 Commission – Powers and duties.
   The commission shall have and may exercise the following duties, powers, and responsibilities:
   1.   To conduct an ongoing survey of the City of Chicago for the purpose of identifying those areas, district, places, building, structures, works of art, and other objects of historic or architectural significance; the results of such an ongoing survey shall be carried and transmitted online on the City of Chicago website, and the website identification shall be carried on the City of Chicago TV Public Access Channel.
   2.   To hold hearings and to recommend that the city council designate by ordinance areas, districts, places, buildings, structures, works of art, and other objects as official "Chicago Landmarks", if they qualify as defined hereunder, and to recommend that such designation include all or some portion of the property or any improvements thereon;
   3.   To cause plaques to be manufactured and installed that identify the significance of designated landmarks and landmark districts;
   4.   To prepare and publish maps, brochures, and other descriptive and educational materials about Chicago's landmarks and landmark districts and their designation and protection;
   5.   To review permit applications for alteration, construction, reconstruction, erection, demolition, relocation, or work of any kind affecting landmarks and structures or unimproved sites in landmark districts and to require the presentation of such plans, drawings, elevations, and other information as may be necessary to review those applications;
   6.   To advise and assist owners or prospective owners of designated or potential landmarks or structures in landmark districts on technical and financial aspects of preservation, renovation, rehabilitation and reuse, and to establish standards and guidelines therefor;
   7.   To apply for and accept any gift, grant, or bequest from any private or public source, including agencies of the federal or state government, upon approval by the city council, for any purpose authorized by these provisions;
   8.   To make recommendations to the city council concerning means to preserve, protect, enhance, rehabilitate and perpetuate landmarks and structures in landmark districts;
   9.   To adopt, publish, and make available rules of procedure and other regulations for the conduct of commission meetings, hearings, and other business;
   10.   To prepare and present nominations of landmarks and historic districts to any state or federal registers of historic places;
   11.   To assume whatever responsibility and duties may be assigned to it by the state under Certified Local Government provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended;
   12.   To cooperate with and enlist the aid of persons, organizations, corporations, foundations, and public agencies in matters involving historic preservation, renovation, rehabilitation and reuse;
   13.   To advise any city department or agency concerning the effect of its actions, programs, capital improvements or activities on designated or potential landmarks;
   14.   To consider whether denial of permits affecting landmarks and structures or unimproved sites in landmark district results in economic hardship to property owners;
   15.   To exercise any other power or authority necessary or appropriate to carry out the purpose of these provisions.
(Prior code § 21-65; Added Coun. J. 3-11-87, p. 40272; Amend Coun. J. 5-17-00, p. 32718, § 1)