Article I. Commission on Animal Care and Control
2-120-010 Commission established – Terms of members.
2-120-020 Duties.
Article II. Electrical Commission
2-120-050 Establishment – Composition.
2-120-060 Powers and duties.
Article III. North Park Village Commission
2-120-100 Establishment and composition.
2-120-110 Meetings.
2-120-120 Powers and duties.
Article IV. Board of Health
2-120-130 Establishment and composition.
2-120-140 Meetings and organization.
2-120-150 Powers and duties.
2-120-160 Terms of service.
Article V. Reserved
Article VI. Reserved
Article VII. Reserved
Article VIII. Board of Underground
2-120-300 Establishment – Powers and duties.
2-120-310 Cooperation with office.
Article IX. Reserved
Article X. Reserved
Article XI. Chicago Plan Commission
2-120-370 Establishment.
2-120-380 Membership, organization and meetings.
2-120-390 Powers and duties.
Article XII. Reserved
Article XIII. Reserved
Article XIV. Commission on Human Relations
2-120-480 Purpose and intent.
2-120-485 Definitions.
2-120-490 Establishment and composition.
2-120-500 Advisory councils.
2-120-510 Powers and duties.
2-120-511 Adjudicatorial proceedings.
2-120-515 Investigations, research and publications.
2-120-518 Hate crimes and hate incidents.
Article XV. Chicago Pullman Committee
2-120-525 Establishment and composition.
2-120-530 Powers and duties.
Article XVI. Reserved
Article XVII. Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks
2-120-580 Purpose of provisions.
2-120-590 Commission – Creation, composition and officers.
2-120-600 Commission membership and meetings.
2-120-610 Commission – Powers and duties.
2-120-620 Landmarks – Criteria for designation.
2-120-630 Landmarks – Preliminary determination.
2-120-640 Preliminary determination – Request for planning report.
2-120-650 Request for owner consent.
2-120-660 Buildings owned or used by religious organizations.
2-120-670 Public hearing – Notice requirements.
2-120-680 Public hearing – Presentation of evidence.
2-120-690 Commission recommendation following hearing.
2-120-700 City council consideration of designation – Plaques.
2-120-705 Time in which recommendation may be considered.
2-120-710 Preservation easements for landmarks.
2-120-720 Landmarks – Notice of designation.
2-120-730 Amendment, recision, and reconsideration of designation.
2-120-740 Alteration, relocation or demolition of landmarks – Permit review requirements.
2-120-750 Permit review – Preexisting work.
2-120-760 Application for permit – Preliminary decision by commission.
2-120-770 Application for permit – Preliminary approval by commission.
2-120-780 Application for permit – Preliminary disapproval by commission.
2-120-790 Preliminary disapproval – informal conference on alternative procedures.
2-120-800 Application for permit – Public hearing.
2-120-810 Application for permit – Final commission decision.
2-120-815 Permit fee waivers.
2-120-820 Expedited consideration of designation and permit.
2-120-825 Permits for demolition of landmarks – City council approval required.
2-120-830 Economic hardship exception – Application.
2-120-840 Economic hardship exception – Public hearing.
2-120-850 Economic hardship exception – Commission determination.
2-120-860 Economic hardship exception – Appeal from commission decision.
2-120-870 Economic hardship exception – Report to city council.
2-120-880 Economic hardship exception – Finance committee consideration.
2-120-890 Economic hardship exception – City council decision.
2-120-900 Hearings and hearing officers.
2-120-910 Penalties and remedies for violations.
2-120-920 Severability.
There is hereby established a commission to be known as the "Commission on Animal Care and Control, City of Chicago". Said Commission shall consist of nine members to be appointed by the Mayor, three of whom shall be members, respectively, of the Police Department, Health Department, and the Department of Streets and Sanitation; with the remaining six members to include at least one representative of a humane society as hereinafter defined, at least one veterinarian licensed under the laws of the State of Illinois, and at least three private citizens. All Commission members shall be residents of the City of Chicago and shall serve without compensation.
The Commission shall function as an advisory body to the Mayor and to Chicago Animal Care and Control with regard to animal-related matters in the City of Chicago. The Mayor shall designate one of its members to act as chairman for a term of 12 months, subject to redesignation for any number of additional terms of two years. The Commission shall meet at least once every three months, unless otherwise determined by the Commission or when called upon to do so by the chairman.
Each Commission member shall serve for a period of two years from date of appointment subject to reappointment by the Mayor for any number of additional terms of two years, except that four of the initial appointments as designated by the Mayor shall be for a term of only one year. Each Commission member shall serve until a successor has been appointed by the Mayor. The Mayor shall appoint members to fill vacancies which may occur due to death, resignation or incapacity.
(Added Coun. J. 11-16-16, p. 37901, Art. I, § 2)
There is hereby established a commission which shall be known as the Electrical Commission of the City of Chicago, and which shall consist of seven members. The Building Commissioner shall be a member, and the ex officio chair of the commission; the chief electrical inspector of the Department of Buildings and the Fire Commissioner or the Fire Commissioner's designee shall also be ex officio members; of the other four members, one shall be a registered professional engineer, one a representative of an electrical contractor, one a journeyman electrician, and one a representative of an electrical utility company, all of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor.
(Prior code § 21-11; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-89, p. 4604; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-17, p. 59720, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. VII, § 3)
It shall be the duty of the Electrical Commission to: (1) formulate and recommend safe and practical standards and specifications for the installation, alteration and use of electrical equipment designed to meet the necessities and conditions that prevail in the City of Chicago, (2) recommend reasonable rules governing the issuance of electrical permits by the City, and (3) recommend reasonable fees to be paid for electrical inspections made by the City. The recommendations of the Electrical Commission shall become effective upon passage by the City Council of an ordinance adopting the same.
(Prior code § 21-12; Amend Coun. J. 2-22-17, p. 43876, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. IV, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-17, p. 59720, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. VII, § 4)