The Chicago plan commission shall have the following powers and duties;
(1) To cooperate in the preparation and recommendation to the corporate authority of a comprehensive plan of public improvements looking to the present and future development of the municipality. After its adoption by the corporate authority, this plan shall be known as the official plan of the municipality. Thereafter, from time to time, the plan commission may make recommendations in the official map;
(2) To cooperate in the preparation and recommendation to the corporate authority from time to time for plans for specific improvements in pursuance of the official plan;
(3) To give aid to the municipal officials charged with the direction of projects for improvements embraced within the official plan; to further the making of these projects and generally to promote the realization of the official plan;
(4) To report from time to time, and at least once a year, to the mayor and the city council on:
(a) The status and effectiveness of the general plan of Chicago;
(b) The status and effectiveness of the Chicago zoning ordinance; and
(c) Conformity of the city-wide capital plan improvement program to the general plan of Chicago;
(5) To transmit directly to the mayor and the city council reports on important problems, conditions or proposals pertinent to the physical development of the city;
(6) To exercise such other powers germane to the powers granted by law as may be conferred by the corporate authority.
(Prior code § 21-43)
The City Council finds that prejudice and the practice of discrimination against any individual or group because of race, color, sex, gender identity, age, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, military status, source of income, credit history (within the meaning of Section 6-10-053), or criminal history (within the meaning of Section 6-10-054) menace peace and public welfare. The City Council further finds that it is necessary to promote peace and good order and to eliminate such prejudice and discrimination by establishing an agency that will investigate complaints of discrimination, enforce civil rights ordinances, and promote harmony and understanding among various segments of society by gathering information on matters of human relations and providing education and counseling thereon to the various agencies of City government and to interested groups and individuals. The City Council further finds that the function of such an agency can be enhanced by the creation of advisory councils on matters of special concern to groups that historically have been the subject of discrimination and bias, and provide a point of contact between such groups and the City government.
(Prior code § 21-49; Added Coun. J. 3-21-90, p. 13523; Amend Coun. J. 11-6-02, p. 96031, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 3-14-12, p. 22749, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 4-15-15, p. 106130, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 2-10-16, p. 18514, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 4-27-22, p. 46382, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 4-19-23, p. 62651, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-15-23, p. 5888, § 2)