General Provisions
   158.001   General Provisions
   158.002    Definitions
Historic Landmarks Commission
   158.010   Creation
   158.011   Appointment
   158.012   Terms of office
   158.013   Removal
   158.014   Appointment to fill a vacancy
   158.015   Officers
   158.016   Conflict of interest
   158.017   Liability of members
   158.018   Duties and powers
Meetings; Rules and Records
   158.030   Regular meetings
   158.031   Annual organizational meeting
   158.032   Special meetings
   158.033   Public hearings
   158.034   Public notice
   158.035   Rules and records
   158.036   Commission action
   158.037   Continuing education
Survey; Inventory
   158.050   Survey and inventory of historic properties
Jurisdiction of the Commission
   158.060   Jurisdiction
   158.061   Designation of historic properties
   158.062   Creation of historical overlay neighborhoods; action by Historic Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission, and City Council
   158.063   Identification on zoning map
Nominations of Historic Places
   158.075   Nominations to National Register of Historic Places
Permitted Uses; Maintenance
   158.085   Permitted uses
   158.086   Maintenance and repair
Certificate of Appropriateness
   158.095   Issuance
   158.096   Applications
   158.097   Notification of affected property owners
   158.098   Commission action on application
   158.099   Time limits
   158.100   Submission of new application
   158.101   Substantial hardship
   158.102    Intent
   158.103    Demolition
   158.104    New construction, alteration, repair and restoration
   158.105    Specific guidelines
Appeal Procedure
   158.120   Appeal procedure
Historic Designation Disclosure
   158.131    Disclosure of historic designation required
   158.132    Timing of disclosure
Cross reference:
   Special Property Tax Assessment Program for Rehabilitated Historic Properties, see Chapter 123