Authority and Purpose
157.001 Authority and title
157.002 Purpose
157.003 [Reserved]
157.004 Establishment of official zoning map
157.005 Amendments to the official zoning map
157.006 Conflict with other ordinances
157.007 Severability
157.008 Repeal of conflicting ordinances
157.009 Exceptions
157.010 Effective date
Applicability and Conformity
157.018 Jurisdiction
157.019 General applicability
157.020 Conformity
Zoning District Regulations
157.025 Zoning districts established
157.026 Purpose of districts
157.027 Interpretation of district boundaries
157.028 Zoning classification of annexed territory
157.029 Zoning district table of permitted uses
157.030 Overlay districts
157.031 Planned Development District (PDD)
157.032 Master Planned District (MPD)
Conditional Use Regulations
157.038 Application
157.039 Manufactured housing
157.040 Mobile homes
157.041 Manufactured home parks (NAICS 53119)
157.042 Townhouses
157.043 Patio homes and zero lot line housing
157.044 Bed and breakfast homes (NAICS 721191)
157.045 Accessory apartments
157.046 Manufacturing uses (NAICS 311-339), publishing industries (511), mining (NAICS 211-213), and waste collection, treatment, disposal and remediation uses (NAICS 5621, 5622 and 5629)
157.047 Mini-warehouses (NAICS 53113)
157.048 Communication towers and antennas (NAICS 5172)
157.049 Scrap, waste and recyclable materials (NAICS 42393, 42511, 42512) and used motor vehicle parts (NAICS 42314, 44131)
157.050 Tattoo parlors (NAICS 812199)
157.051 Sexually oriented businesses (NAICS 812199)
157.052 Recreational vehicle parks and recreational camps (NAICS 7212)
157.053 Check cashing establishments, title loan lenders and deferred presentment lenders (NAICS 52239)
157.054 Residential uses in CBD and EQ Districts
157.055 Open storage areas
157.056 Commercial equine uses (NAICS 11292 and 711212)
157.057 Temporary uses
157.058 Animal production (NAICS 112111, 11212, 11213, 1124, 1129)
157.059 Home occupations
157.060 Accessory structures and uses
157.061 Hunting
157.062 Satellite dishes and other antennas accessory to residential uses
Area, Density, Dimensional and Height Requirements
157.076 Purpose, intent and applicability
157.077 Conformance
157.078 Airport height requirements
157.079 Modification of requirements
157.080 Yard measurements, buildable area
157.081 Structures and projections into required yards and rights-of-way
157.082 Lot area, width and setback requirements
157.083 Yard and setback modifications
157.084 Height, impervious surface and density requirements
Design Standards
157.093 Purpose and applicability
157.094 Design standards for single-family detached residential structures
157.095 Design standards for single-family attached residential structures
157.096 Design standards for multi-family residential development
157.097 Non-residential design standards
157.098 Commercial Overlay District (COM) design standards
157.099 Downtown Overlay District (DTN)
Sign Regulations
157.103 Purpose
157.104 Applicability and conformance
157.105 Standards applicable to all signs
157.106 Signs on private property
157.107 Requirements for permanent signs
157.108 Common signage plan required
157.109 Temporary signs
157.110 Flags
157.111 Exempt signs
157.112 Prohibited signs
157.113 Signs in the public right-of-way
157.114 Application requirements for sign permits
157.115 Signs forfeited
157.116 Non-conforming signs
157.117 Abandoned signs
Parking and Loading Regulations
157.123 Parking requirements
157.124 Off-street loading
Landscaping, Buffers, Open Space and Tree Conservation
157.136 Intent
157.137 Landscaping standards
157.138 Landscaping for residential uses
157.139 Buffers
157.140 Screening
157.141 Open space
157.142 Tree conservation
Performance Standards
157.148 Purpose
157.149 Light and glare
157.150 Odor
157.151 Vibration
157.152 Performance standards for manufacturing, mining, and waste collection, treatment, disposal and remediation
Development Agreements
157.165 Purpose and intent
157.166 Applicability
157.167 Minimum requirements
157.168 Contents of agreement
157.169 [Reserved]
157.170 Consistency
157.171 Public hearings
157.172 Adoption
157.173 Recording
157.174 Required review; failure to cure material breach
157.175 Compliance with state and federal laws
General Provisions and Regulations
157.182 Use of land or structures
157.183 Grading and clearing
157.184 Street frontage and access required
157.185 One principal building per lot; exceptions
157.186 Lot size
157.187 Building type
157.188 Standards for construction; developer responsibility
157.189 Driveways
157.190 Negative access easements prohibited
157.191 Visibility at intersections; site triangle
157.192 Measurements
157.193 Nonconformities
157.194 Low impact design required
157.195 Residential clustering permitted
157.196 Affordable housing
157.197 Murals
Administration and Enforcement
157.211 Administration
157.212 Enforcement
157.219 General terms
157.220 Definitions
In accordance with authority conferred by the Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act of 1994, codified at Title 6, Chapter 29 of Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976, as amended, the City Council of the City of Camden, hereinafter referred to as the "Council," the governing body of the City of Camden, South Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the "city," hereby ordains and enacts into law the following articles and sections, which shall comprise and be known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Camden, South Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the "Zoning Ordinance."
(Ord. 15-002, passed 2-24-15)
This Zoning Ordinance is adopted for the purpose of promoting public health, safety, morals, convenience, order, appearance, prosperity and general welfare; lessening congestion in the streets, securing safety from fire; providing adequate light, air, and open space; preventing the overcrowding of land; avoiding undue concentrations of population; facilitating the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community; protecting and preserving scenic, historic and ecologically sensitive areas; and facilitating the provision of public services, affordable housing, and disaster evacuation, in harmony with the adopted City of Camden, South Carolina Comprehensive Plan, as it may be amended or updated from time to time, hereinafter referred to as the Comprehensive Plan.
(Ord. 15-002, passed 2-24-15)