7-1-1: Definitions
7-1-2: Request For Hookup; Fees
7-1-3: Meters
7-1-4: Service Lines
7-1-5: Access For Inspection
7-1-6: Damage In Case Of Shutoff
7-1-7: Two Homes Or Buildings On One Meter
7-1-8: Power To Withhold Water
7-1-9: Request For Service And Shutoffs
7-1-10: Water Rates
7-1-11: Deposit For Turn On
7-1-12: Statements
7-1-13: Sprinkling
7-1-14: Testing
7-1-15: Control Rests With Mayor And Council
7-1-16: Tapping
7-1-17: Turning On After Shutoff
7-1-18: Inhibiting Access To Meter; Penalty
7-1-19: Theft, Improper Use, Interference Or Damage
7-1-20: Violation; Penalty
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
CHARGES AGAINST THE PREMISES: Charges made under this chapter, the payment of which is secured by ownership of the premises and not by a security deposit.
CHARGES AGAINST THE SECURITY DEPOSIT: Charges made under this chapter, the payment of which is secured by a security deposit and not by ownership of the premises.
DIRECTOR: Director of public works who shall be responsible for the operation of the city water system.
INDIVIDUAL USER: A user whose primary use of water is for domestic and irrigation use.
MONTH: A month as used herein shall mean the period between scheduled water meter readings. The city will, as nearly as possible, schedule the water meter readings thirty (30) days apart.
OWNER: Refers to the property owner, or his duly authorized representative such as tenant, developer, lease holder, etc., that is served by the water system.
PERSON: Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation, or group.
SERVICE LINES: Service lines include all water lines or pipes used to deliver city water from the water meter to the place of use.
UNIT: A term sometimes used to define a separate water user where two (2) or more water users are served through one water meter.
USER: Any person or owner who receives a separate billing from the city for services rendered by the water system.
VARIABLES: Used in computing water use rates:
   A.   C = Total water use charge.
   B.   CU = Individual unit water use charge.
   C.   G = Monthly water meter reading in gallons.
   D.   U = Number of individual units.
   E.   V = Monthly individual unit water use.
WATER SYSTEM: Includes all components and facilities of the public water system that are owned, operated, and maintained by the city for domestic and other uses. (1974 Code § 1-501)
   A.   Application: Application for the hookup of water must be made at the office of the city clerk-treasurer on such forms as may be required by the city. Service will not be provided until all forms have been properly completed and signed and all costs required have been paid to the city, in advance. All services shall be governed by this title and such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the city council. (1974 Code § 1-502)
   B.   Fees:
      1.   Paid In Advance: Before water meters can be installed and connected to the city water mains or laterals, the installation and hookup fee set by resolution of the city council and approved by the mayor must be paid in full to the city clerk-treasurer.
      2.   Users Outside City Limits: The hookup fees to be charged to any owners or users outside the city limits of the city shall equal one and one-half (11/2) of the hookup fee or charge assessable to an owner or user within the city limits and as set forth in subsection B1 of this section. (1974 Code § 1-503)
7-1-3: METERS:
   A.   Required; Location: All water will be measured by means of a meter supplied by the city. The meter shall be placed at a point to be designated by the director of public works between the city mains or laterals and the service line.
   B.   Furnished By City; Installation: All meters shall be furnished by the city. All meters shall remain the property of the city and must be installed by the city under the direction, supervision and control of the director of public works. All meters shall be returned to the city upon their removal from the city water system.
   C.   Replacement:
      1.   City To Replace: The city shall replace all meters which wear out from normal use at the city's expense, said expense having been paid by the user as part of the water hookup fee and the water fees paid.
      2.   Owner To Replace:
         a.   Larger Or Smaller Meter Requested: The owner will be responsible for the expense of replacing a meter with a larger or smaller meter when the owner requests such replacement.
         b.   Damaged Or Destroyed: The owner shall be responsible to replace, at the owner's expense, all water meters or parts thereof damaged or destroyed by the real property owner or other persons known or unknown. (1974 Code § 1-504)