A.   Prohibited: No new construction or remodeling will be allowed which will place two (2) or more houses, buildings or structures on one meter.
   B.   Existing Conditions; Billing Procedures: Under existing conditions where two (2) or more parties receive water through one water meter, one water statement for the meter will be issued and the following billing procedures will be followed:
      1.   Minimum Billing: The minimum billing will equal the minimum fees for city services times the number of units receiving services through the one meter or the actual use, whichever is greater.
      2.   One Statement: One statement for the meter will be sent to the owner of the property served, said owner shall be responsible for paying said statement. Default in payment will result in a shutoff order being issued for the meter.
      3.   Repeated Shutoff Orders: In the event repeated shutoff orders are issued for a water meter statement, the city may require that each user have a separate water meter, the cost of which shall be paid by the property owner. (1974 Code § 1-508)