The licensing of dogs, cats and ferrets, kept as pets, is found by the City Council to be necessary in order to protect the health and safety of the community. Unlicensed dogs, cats and ferrets can expose human beings and other to dangerous diseases like rabies if the city did not require vaccination for licensure; can cause damage to public and private property as nuisance conditions if the city did not track total number of licensed per residence; can exacerbate the existing overpopulation of dogs, cats and ferrets; can disrupt the quiet enjoyment of residential areas and parks; and can expose human beings and other to unsanitary and unhealthy conditions.
(1958 Code, § 120.12) (Ord. 182, passed 6-3-1952; Ord. 72-64, passed 11-27-1972, renumbered to § 120.09; Ord. 93-27, passed 5-24-1993; recodified by Ord. 95-13, passed 8-7-1995; Ord. 2010-28, passed 11-1-2010; Ord. 2017-34, passed 9-11-2017)